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Pat's POV

They didn't ask too many questions until we got inside and sat down. Then they bombarded me with questioning, all of it expected but overwhelming.

"What's going on?" Marcus asked.

"Is she okay?" Tash questioned.

"Let me just explain what I know, okay?" I insisted.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Look guys, something happened to Georgia. She hasn't explained anything but I know someone hurt her" I told them trying not to break down for the second time today.

"No" Marcus said in disbelief, shaking his head. I could tell he was about to get a bit rowdy. His foot tapping the floor at a vigorous pace and hands covering his mouth in shock.

"Hurt her how?" Tash asked.

"Well she called me from an alley way to pick her up. When I got there she wasn't in a good state. And then this morning, she was covered in bruises" I explained.

It was hard to explain to them what was happening when I didn't have all the details myself. I wanted to be able to say to them "this is what happened". But I wasn't going to push that out for George.

"I can't believe this happened" Grace said.

All of them were in a state of shock. Marcus becoming more angry with the more he heard. I could tell he was going to snap at any second.

"Do you guys remember anything about last night?" I asked Grace and Tash.

"Well we were leaving the bar and then we heard a crash from inside the bar and then someone flew through the window and everyone was running everywhere. People were fighting everywhere and police sirens were going. The crowd pushed Georgia in the opposite direction and it was too strong for us to move that way. We ended up a few streets away and police men told us to leave the area and wouldn't let us go back that way" Tash explained.

"Wow that's a lot" Marcus said still in shock.

"Is that really what happened?" I asked them. I just felt sick from hearing how it went down. She was alone with nothing around to help her. I just felt awful.

She would have been so scared, in streets she hadn't seen before in the dark. Trying to find a way back to safety.

All while I was at home, doing nothing to help her. I felt so useless. I was so frustrated with myself for not protecting her. I made that promise to her and there was nothing I could have done.

But I knew something was wrong the moment she didn't pick up my call.

"Exactly how I remember it" Grace backed her up.

"Yeah then we waited for a while with police but they said there was nothing we could do. They did they couldn't help because they had too much other stuff to handle" Tash told us.

"And she wasn't drunk at all, we knew she would know what to do" Grace added.

"She wasn't drunk?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to hear the answer.

"No, why?" Grace asked worriedly, reading the look on my face and knowing it wasn't good.

"She probably remembers all of it. Every second of what happened to her. I can't sit here and do nothing I can't do it" I said shooting up from my seat.

Marcus instantly shot up as well and tried to calm me down.

"Mate calm down" he told me.

"No this is my fault. I should have known something like this was gonna happen" I said frustratedly as I began pacing around the room.

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