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I took a deep breath. "My name is Iris Gold. I'm 20 and a professional fighter." he raised an eyebrow. "My mum, me, and my twin sister." I sighed. He looked at the ground deep in thought but all ears simultaneously. "My mother put us in a fighting center to train; she said it's more important than school. I guess I know why now." I looked straight into his eyes.

"She trained us at the age of 7. I know 63 styles of material art; my mom wasn't joking."I let out a heavy laugh, looking at him. I can't believe I'm talking about my mother in the past tense. People never last, but I didn't think I would lose her this early; she didn't even get to see my children.

"Yeah, she is always prepared," He added as the silence thickened; I nodded. "Except for us," I said.

"What is your sister's name?"

"Liz, short for Elizabeth Moon," I replied, earning a nod from him. The nurse patched both of us without a single sound or glance. With one nod from Daniel, she was out the door. "What's the cause of their death?"

I replied straightly, "I met a guy. "I almost smiled at his tense face, "his name is Jonathan. I met him five years ago. We fell in love, and we decided to get married early." I took a deep breath, looking out the window; it was new and heavy to say what happened for the first time.

With a shaky voice, "It all happened on the happiest day in my life." I took another breath, trying not to break down; why is it so hard to say this? "we said our vows and kissed. After that, I never saw him; I heard gunshots." I look up, trying to prevent any tears from falling.

"He jumped over me, pushing me down, taking all the bullets. I hit my head so hard that I passed out. The next thing I knew, I was at the hospital alone." I looked down at my hands, which were shaking. He placed his hands on mine, and relief breathed in my lungs.

Looking into my eyes, he said, "We will find who did this," with a severe tone.

"I will let someone take you to your room," he said, making his way to the phone talking to someone. I looked out the window, knowing things would never be the same, but I would make whoever was responsible pay. Whatever it takes.


A few minutes after following this guy leading me to my room, he handed me Daniel's phone number. "Thanks,"

I changed into my sleeping clothes, a nude silky top, matching shorts, and laced robes. This was meant to be my wedding nightgown; My husband was supposed to see me in it. He was supposed to love and admire me, but it's all gone. Like the shooting star you wish upon but never come true. I went to the balcony, looking at the stars, remembering when Jonathan and I connected them to draw animals. My eyes burned so hard as I held my mother's necklace.

Remember my mother saying, "The best way to get over pain is to feel it all." But I didn't want to get over the pain; in truth, I wanted to feel it. I wanted it to burn because if I cried it out, I wouldn't be able to get back up. Letting memories flash in my mind as my throat wobbled, wanting to let out a sob, a cry, a torn anything, but I refused. I held my hand against my mouth to not make a sound. I wouldn't cry until I avenged them. Then, I can genuinely mourn their death.

I remembered the day my sister and I fell for the same guy and then beat him when we discovered that he was playing us both at the same time. Or the time we tried to bake a cake for Mother's Day and mistook the salt for sugar and burned it but tried to cover it with frosting. My mother forced herself to eat it not to hurt our feelings. And the time I gifted my mother a painting of a dick. My sister's laughter made me laugh while my mother beat my ass. I just wanted to go back.

I closed my eyes tighter, thinking about them as I felt my heart aching. I remembered when Jonathan and I danced in the rain and then had our foreheads against each other when he said, "You are my happiness, my home. I feel joy whenever you are happy. That's why I want to ask you, will you be my girlfriend?" I giggled and nodded, "Yes," I gave up everything the same day.

I was taken off my thoughts when I heard a knock. I took quick breaths while making my way to the door. I opened it to see an old lady in her 40s carrying a food tray.

"Hello dear, you must be tired to come down and eat, so I brought some food up to you," she said gently. "Can I come in to put it on the table?"

"Oh... Yes, sorry, come in." I gave a small smile while opening the door so she could enter. She placed the food on the table, saying, "Enjoy," and warmly welcomed me. I said, "Thank you," as she exited.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call," she said, giving me her number. I put a smile on my face as I closed the door.

I sat down, forcing the food down my throat because as much as I didn't care about myself, I did care about my baby. I made my way to bed after eating. I rested my head on the pillow, hoping to sleep faster today. But the haunting feeling of guilt swallowed me; I should have saved them if only I had known and not let my guard down. These thoughts devoured me entirely before sleeping.

The cold awakened me, and I could feel a circled metal on my temples.

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