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My brain felt like it was exploding as it ran out of oxygen, and I did nothing to stop it. I'm almost there; I can feel it. I held the human figure's hand, and black started to crawl into my vision—no more pain, tears, or sorrow. I let go of everything, ready to leave. My family can see me now; they are smiling at me. God, how much I miss them.

"Mom?" I whispered. The white figure let go of my hand as I saw Liz's hand reach out to me.

"Liz," I called out my other half.

"Hold my hand, sister," I stretched my hand towards her, using whatever power I had in me. I held her hand, so cold. Her hands are so cold, spreading it all over my body. I'm so tired, so weak. I held her hands tighter, scared to let go, to be alone.

"Never let go, sister, "I begged.

Her face started to fade slowly as the others' screams began to sound more transparent. My feet were gradually welcomed to the ground, and I looked at Azrael, who was sweating and looked Apologetic. No, no, this can't happen. I tightened my hand around his hand and pushed hard against me. I was choking myself; I couldn't lose them when I just got them. I looked at him with pleading eyes to finish what he had started, But he pulled his hands away. And my fragile body crumbled to the floor, gasping for air.

The air filled my lungs like knives, trying to stretch it out. They gathered around me, trying to help. I looked back at the corner where my family stood, but they were not there anymore. I was again left alone.

"Iris, can you hear me?" one of them asked. I shoved them off as I stood up, and they told me to sit.

"Call Sam, the medic." someone ordered. They're gone, was all that was running through my head.

"I'm sorry," Azrael's voice was recognizable.

"I'm so sorry." He kept apologizing.

I want to fall to the ground and sob my heart out. I started walking, but each footstep was heavier than the last.

"I'm so sorry, Keres." Azrael looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I beg you forgive me." He ran, wrapping his hand around me tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Keres." I froze from his sudden hug, and his warmth attacked my cold body. He was erasing the only proof that I saw my family, my sister's hand holding mine. My body is on the edge of breaking, and all I hear is Azrael's sobs. My legs gave up, my body still in shock from everything, devastated to relive the loss. Azrael held me closer before he crashed against the marble floor, both on our knees. I want to cry so foul; it's almost eating me.

"She was here."I breathed as I raised my hand behind Azrael, looking down at them. Empty hands, as they were. Azrael is still apologizing and crying his heart out on my shoulder—just two broken people on the ground, in pain. I don't know how long I sat there with Azrael crying, and I'm holding it in.

"Azrael," Venice called.

"Get up." Venice's voice was so soft and welcoming. I can see that it pains him to see Azrael in this situation.

Azrael didn't want to let go, so I got up and picked him and myself up. Venice helped me with Azrael and led us to his room. We put him on the bed, and Azrael still didn't let go of me. If he doesn't let go of me right now, I cannot hold myself together anymore. I'm suffocating, but so is he.

"Azrael, let go," Venice begged

"No, never."

"Azrael, she's not Keres."

Silence filled the space, "I'm sorry."Azrael broke the silence.

"Please don't go." He begged.

I remembered my sister's hand leaving mine as I begged her to stay the same way.

"Azrael- ."I breathed too tired.

"You won't be alone anymore."He replied, hands still on mine. Looking down at him in such a state feels strange but relatable. He's hunted as well; we all are.

"Please don't let go." clenching both hands on mine. It took me a minute to reply. "I won't," I answered, looking up at Vince, who looked down on us with sympathy.

Azrael placed his head on my lap, and I hesitated to run my hand through his hair, but it felt right. Piro entered with Sam and started to treat my back, removing the glass and cleaning any scratches. I tried not to move, and finally, Azrael fell asleep.

Piro and Vince left after I reassured them that everything would be fine and it was okay since Azrael was still holding onto me. Now, it was just him and me surrounded by darkness. I look down at him, wondering, what evil event broke this man? Thoughts devoted themselves to me as I slowly fell asleep on the bed.


A splash of cold water attacked my face. I opened my eyes and saw Azrael standing shirtless with an evil smirk.

"Payback bitch."

I jumped off the bed, ready to slap the shit out of him, as he rushed out the door, and I followed. Running through the hall, then downstairs to the kitchen staff door. It was a bold choice after yesterday, but not safe. The apple on the table was on the wall as I threw it at him.

"Wow, you still suck."

I threw anything my hands touched, and he easily dogged it. I emptied the table and found my way through the fridge, throwing some more. The sauces flew, splashing everywhere.

"I just took a shower!" he frowned at me.


"You're so in trouble, you better run," he warned.

I ran around the small table, but the slippery ground slowed me down. Azrael caught me up in a minute, lapping me with jello. I gasped as I felt it enter my left ear and repaid him with egg yolk sliding from his hair to his face. I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. He examined me briefly before slapping my mouth with a handful of chocolate cake.

"That will keep your pretty mouth busy." I bit his fingers, and he swore.

I ran to the sink, pulled the water pump, and splashed him. He tried blocking it with his hand as he strolled before me. Hysterically laughing, he reached me, pulling me away from the sink and locking me to the table. He was almost washed off from the food, water dripping down on me as I looked up.

"Second shower of the day, Mr. Sicilian, getting nasty real quick?" He smirked down at me.

"not as much as you."That was all I heard before he poured milk, socking me from head to toe; no, he did not.

Azrael's smirking face was replaced with a deeper, lustful look; what a sight I must be. I held eye contact before showering him with flour; the flour stuck to him quickly. I laughed so loud as he exhaled, and the flour slowly blended into the atmosphere. He shook his head, making the exes fall on me, and I tried to get out of his grip as we laughed.

We were a mess; both soaked from head to toe with food, and the kitchen was even worse. But, laughing so hard from the heart, and since everything, we needed it. Azrael struggled to open his eyes; I unconsciously wiped his eyes gently with my thumbs. Still, both of us laughing at our situation, Azrael blinked more than once before focusing on me.

"We made a mess." I broke the long stare with the obvious.

"Not quite." He smeared Nutella on my chest with his hand, and my mouth formed an O. As I was about to talk, he put his two fingers into his mouth, sucking on them slowly. Red crawled my face as he made sure I watched everything.

I found my voice to say, "I was craving it." I mocked a disappointed look, and he played along, giving a thinking face.

"That can be fixed."

My left cheek tingled as one of his hands cupped it, leading it up. His face became more visible with every second. My heart rang in my ears, and I think I lost the rhyme of my breathing. My body leaned further on the cooking table, but he pulled me on him. War of the coldness left from the milk and his warm body against mine began, but he won with just a breath. His nose teased mine, and our lips brushed.

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