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Iris POV.

I woke up and heard the shower tune off as I sat up. Azrael entered the room with a towel around his neck and waist. "Good morning."

"Morning." He leans in and kisses me. Water drips on my face from his hair, and I playfully push him away.

He chuckles. "Go take a shower, you stink."

"I smell like you," I smirk; he shakes his head as he enters the closet.

I push away the blanket and find myself bleeding. Azrael comes in, and I cover myself up again. "I have an early meeting; you must eat without us." I nod.

Azrael puts on his jacket and then fixes it in the mirror, "Are you all right?" he asks, looking from the mirror at me.

I clear my throat and look at him. "Yes."

"All right, I will be in the office if you want anything."

He brushes my head and kisses, "See you." With that, Azrael is gone. I push the blanket off and find blood covering the sheets; what's happening? I sometimes bleed after sex, but not like this; I pick myself up, jump straight to the shower, and watch as the blood flows. I get out and swipe the foggy mirror. She was gone, the girl that cried herself to sleep or woke up pissing herself from nightmare after another. I didn't have one today and didn't wake up feeling nauseous. I breathed in Azrael shower gel that I used and remembered when he said, "Let's paint the future together."

I gaze at myself in the mirror, and I don't see the men touching me or marking me. I know a woman who endured a lot, who lost a lot, and her history of pain is written all over her body. I see a woman who has fought and worked hard to wrong what's right, and she will. I know the future of a mother who will hold her child and raise him to be a better man than the ones she met.

"They took my mother, my sister, my father, and my baby." I raise my head straight.

"I will take what's mine." I wipe away my tear.

"I will take control of my life." I hold the counter as my heart burned.

"I won't give them what they want by staying in bed and driving myself insane; I won't give it to them."

"They have taken my family but haven't taken me, and I will make that their biggest regret." I smile viciously, "God save us all." Everything runs cold in my body as my spirit vibrates with every word.


I texted Sam to meet me after breakfast; Dr. Nadia had enough appointments today. I went to the medical section of the house and found Sam's room.

"Iris," he calls my name excitedly when I enter the room. "How are you?" he asked, leading me to the chair.

"I'm great, but-" I explained everything to him, and he listened until I finished.

"All right, Iris, your body has gone through a lot, and we both know you need to take things slow. You having intercourse is a major change, and I'm proud that you find yourself able to; you always amaze me with your strength." He pauses for a moment.

"You bleeding after sex is normal." I nodded; I knew all this, and so did he.

"It's been weeks since we had that talk. You are clean, and you are not pregnant. I've been taking those blood samples every week to make sure."

He paused longer as he swallowed, and I knew what he wanted to say: "Iris, your body isn't able to have kids again."

It still hurts like the first time I've heard it, and I still bury it like the first time I did. "Your bleeding could either be from the steadiness or that it's been long, and your body is still healing." I nod in understanding.

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