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I looked down at her, as her face was paler than a ghost. I rushed into my room, blasting the door open, and placed her on my bed, pushing her hair from my face. She's too hard on herself, but I know this anger and self-hatred. I see it in me, too. The day I entered and placed the gun at her head, I memorized her face. It was the only time I saw her at peace. But it was only the calm after the storm. I was impressed by how she handled herself and me that day, but I would rather die than admit it. And that day at the grocery, I heard her, and it awakened me that she was just like me. She's trying to avenge and forget, but it's not easy. This world will gut any piece of humanity in you and play with it; they create monsters. Danial asked me to look after and train her, and I will do that. I won't allow her to reach my point of anger; I won't watch an angel turn into a devil. She won't sin like me.

The doctor entered the room. "What happened?" He inquired.

"We were practicing as usual, and out of nowhere, she fainted," I answered calmly. I observed the doctor as he checked on her.

"Her body is just exhausted, and she's lacking vitamins." He said as he poured a solution and placed it near her nose. I see her open her eyes slowly as her eyebrows are narrowed.

"Miss Gold, can you hear me," The doctor questioned.

"Why are you so fucken loud?" she answered, pissed and I chuckled.

"Can you see me?"

"Well, I'm not blind yet," she replied.

"All right, I must ask you since you are perfectly fine. Do you have allergies to food or medicine?" He suggested, and she shook her head no.

"How old are you?" he asked, and she said, "20."

"Are you on any type of medicine?" He wondered, and Iris answered, "No."

"The rest of the questions will get a little personal, so do you want Mr. Sicilian to leave?" he said, and Iris looked at him.

"Just ask the fucken questions and end my misery," Iris replied.

"All right. Are you pregnant?"

She took a deep breath and said, "No."

"Are you on Birth Control?" he asked and waited for her to answer.

"Yes," she replied in annoyance.

"Last question, which date did you last have your period on?"

she took a minute and replied, "Last week on Saturday."

"All right, I will send some medicine for you." the doctor said as he gathered his stuff and left.

Iris gets up, ready to leave. "Where do you think you are going?" I told her, and she looked at me disgusted.

"Daniel's house, dumb ass," she answered in her tired voice, walking past me to the door.

"Not till you rest," I ordered as I fast-walked before her, and she paused.

"Azrael, leave me the fuck alone." She said, pushing me aside and walking again to the gym.

"At least take your medicine, then leave," I told her, completely ignoring me. She took her bag and walked out of the gym. This girl will be the death of me; I mean, she promised me that, but still.

The servant held her medicine bottle. She took it, raising her hand to show me. Then, I proceed to get to her car, and I stop her, hands on her shoulder, telling her, "Let me drive."

She looks at me for a minute and smiles, saying, giving me hope, "No," and drops her face back.

I see her enter the car and drive off. This tiny human will kill me; I was cut off by my thoughts when I felt the phone buzzing, "Yes, Daniel?" I answered the phone. " Meet me tomorrow morning in my office." That was all he said, and I knew it was dad from his tone. "Ok."

Ruthless 18+Where stories live. Discover now