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One step she tried to take, one more step, and her body crumbled readily to hit the ground. My voice is now sharper, full of panic as I call her when I rush to hold her before she hits the floor. I hear the guys curse from me behind. "Azrael," she breathed; a new type of terror arose beneath my skin to see Iris with such eyes, full of panic. "I got you," I reassured her.

I picked up her weak body, and she groaned at the wound, wrapping her hand around my neck. Piro opened the door to the car, and I laid her down and entered beside her, putting her head on my lap. Derek and Venice took the front seat, and Elara and Piro joined a separate car.

Iris' body shook slowly, and I added pressure on the wound, "Iris, breathe." I inhaled and exhaled, trying to get her to do the same, and she did, "Good, again." It was so new of her, the fearless and robust, independent woman weak and trembling from a bullet. For a few minutes, her breathing was steady, a tear rolled out of her eyes, and her breathing stopped as she inhaled sharply. "Hey, I got you; you will be fine; it's only one bullet." I cup her face with my other hand, and she holds it, mumbling, "I'm scared, Azrael, I'm scared."

Sharpness intercepts my heart, making it beat faster; she looks into my eyes, hers so dark that it makes my ice breaker. "I don't want to die," My blood chilled as she whimpered those words again and again. "Azrael, please, I don't want to die." She begged with a cracking voice. "I'm scared; I don't want to die." she looks down at her stomach.

"You won't."

"I can't die, not now, not now." her voice breaking. "I'm scared." Her hands shake against mine. I held her in mine and told her, "You won't. Did you forget our promise: if death takes it's path, I will follow you to the afterlife," I kissed her forehead as she whispered, "To the other world," Venice looked back at us, and I held her hands tighter. I have the urge to protect her, to keep her close, and assure her that everything is fine, but many emotions overflow and hit me differently. I wanted to cut each one of them down for even causing the pain in her that she hid too well, and now this. The monster inside me burned with everything it had to emerge.

Her eyes said everything, revealing the hidden tantrum underneath it. The hurt, the pain, the fear, everything she held back, she kept concealed. It presents itself to the surface without permission. And tried to show me how truly broken she was, how hunted and black the pit in her mind was.

Her grip loosens over mine, and I look back at her. "Iris." I cup her face, pushing it up to me. Her eyes were ready to close, and she tried to keep them open. The walk to us must have exhausted her; I should have gone to her and helped her when my gut told me to.

"Don't sleep." I gently slap her face.

"Stay with me." She blinks her heavy eyelid.

"Derek faster," I ordered.

"Iris, tell me a story." anything to keep her awake, she ignores me as I repeat the question.

"Tell me something, anything," I asked, and she twisted her sweaty head, not wanting to talk, but then she said.

"Liz," she swallowed her dry throat.

"Don't leave me."She begged.

"Mum," she called multiple times.

"Mum, I can't do this anymore,"


"Mum, please listen to me." Her body burned under my touch.

I slapped her gently to bring her back to consciousness from time to time. I watch slowly as I see her sweat washing away some of the blood, and I slowly wipe it out with my hand. Her body was burning underneath me with an uncontrollable shake, and I didn't know if it was fear or her body reacting to the bullet.

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