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One month later.

I woke up looking at the time; Azrael said Venice would be here by now. I look to my side and see my babies sleeping soundly. I get up, finish my business in the toilet, and go down to get something to eat; after all, I'm feeding two beautiful souls. I take the radio with me in case they wake up. I would be able to hear them. I reach the kitchen, get out the pasta bag, and pour it into the boiling water; on the other pan, I run the tomato paste, cheese, and spices. I hear the door open and raise my voice as I mix the pasta with the sauce. "Lucky bastard, I'm almost done with dinner." I chuckled.

Footsteps neared, and I turned, "Sorry to disappoint you, love." A masked man spoke.

I grip the knife was in my hand; he flashed me his white teeth under the mask and said, "There's no point in the fight; you are coming with us." Shadows appeared once he took a step forward.

"I have fought for more than just you." I flip the knife, ready to stick it up to their asses.

"Here's a little secret, kid," his snipper tattoo glowed under the dome kitchen light.

"You fought our trainers, not the Transformers." I take a step around the table when he comes closer.

His shadows behind him came into clear view, and I saw their eyes; they were red as blood. "What is this?" I hold the knife up.

"This is our innovation."

"Now, let's make this easy for everyone. Put the knife down." I tighten my grip on the knife.

I had to warn Azrael about this. I held his green eyes, which had a thick red scar. I took a breath and ran to Azrael's office. He had his house phone in there, plus I'm not letting them come close to my children. I hear footsteps echo from behind, and I enter the office and scan the room; I have seconds only. I pull up the phone and dial his number faster than I thought; it rings, and the handle of the door moves, but I lock it. Azrael didn't pick up the phone, and the door banged. It beeps to record my message.

"Azrael, the snipers are here; they are creating weapons, some creatures that won't die easly, and they are stronger than the average. They came for me; I guess I am their target." My breath shook as the door banged harder; it would break any minute now. "Take care of my babies." The door hit the floor with a sharp boom sound. "Please." I breathed into the phone before opening his drawer and pulling the gun. I shoot them one by one until I ran out of bullets; I'm not going without a fight. I still had the knife at the table; I inserted it into my sleeve as I saw those green eyes again.

"Playtime is over, beautiful." I clenched my teeth together, and they shifted a little.

Two of his red-eyed men enter from behind him and hold me, I allow them take me. I'm saving that knife for later; they push me hard as they rush through the hall and to the reception. "Stop." He ordered and faced me.

"Why did they leave you behind?"

"You are insane if you think I will tell you anything."

"Oh, we will see." He smiles viciously at me. My heart stops when I hear the baby cry. He shifts his eyes in the direction of the sound and then meets me with a wicked smirk. "Oh, I think you will."

My blood rushes in my veins, boiling like lava, and I loosen my grip on the knife, and it falls straight into my hand. I raise my hand and shove it into the two who are holding me, dark blood painting my hands and clothes. The blood was so dark and cold that it caused shivers across my skin to spread; for a minute, I felt dizzy, and then I felt a piercing pain in my stomach applying lower. My legs hit the ground hard. I thought they would break for sure, but the pain got worse, and I know for sure that the stitches had opened when I felt something run down my thighs.

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