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Azrael POV.

Iris and I went back home and geared up all the weapons. Iris looks at me with so much emotion in her eyes. We might be engaged, but it's all work once we leave this house. So I repay her with a genuine smile before I walk over to her and pull her into a deep kiss.

"We are coming home with your son, and you are finally free." She locks her eyes and breathes in.

"Our son." She breathes. I am alive, truly alive with her and not just surviving, not existing but living. I lean down, connect our forehead, and nod, "Thank you, Iris, for showing me what life is about." She nods.

"Okay, let's go before we start crying." I chuckle.

"Let's go, fiancé."

"Oh, I prefer a husband."

"That's coming soon, and save your tears for that. If you don't cry, I will give you a reason to." I roll my eyes as she warned.

"I don't easily cry."

"We will see about that; I look so good that you will sob." She smirks widely.

I open the door and find everyone standing, waiting for us. Iris standing near me with a fair amount of distance makes me want to pull her closer.

Piro and Zank step up, lowering their heads. Iris insisted on wearing her family crown, forcing me to wear mine. Since we will be a family, she said it would create a better image, especially when we avenge both of our families. But I also knew what she wanted; she wanted to show him that she hadn't lost it all, she still hadn't lost herself, and she had a family.

The adrenalin in my blood pumps as Piro said, "Everyone is set." I looked at Iris, and the blood lust was visible in her eyes, but her face held such calmness that it sometimes scared me.

"May the boots sing the song of death, and the bullets aim for nothing but their chests, and the red mark its way behind us with each step." Iris pulls out a knife and runs it across her shoulder, and the ruby-red blood slips. She places her hand over the wound, then brings it to her face and runs it down.

"Let's go." She started walking, and her short hair flowed with every step.

I walk beside Iris and enter the van, and our second hand follows us. I hold her hand, "Promise me, Iris, that you won't die."

"I can't promise you what I have no control over."


"But I can promise I will fight and try to for you." She squeezes my hand and asks, "Will you do the same for me?"

"Always," I replied without hesitation.

"We will not die today, Azrael, none of us." She looks at Piro.

The ride started to get bumpy, and I knew we were here, so I held her hand tighter, not wanting to let go, and she did the same. The van comes to a stop, and the door opens. Iris whispers, "We will be free." What we both have become wasn't our fault; our monstrous acts weren't our responsibility. We had to do these things to ease what we felt, what they planted in us. It was their responsibility.

I nod with burning eyes, so proud. I am proud of how she picks herself up every time she falls. I do have the most powerful woman by my side. I smile as she jumps out of the van; it ends today; everything ends today.

I followed Iris out, and then we both gave instructions on the plan; everyone was distributed, circling the whole place. The snipers met with another gang in an old ruined castle. The sound of the waves crashing on the mountain covered our already mute movements. As we entered the building through a secret passage, what did they expect? An old castle should have a personal way in and out. The sound of people talking started to clear as we used our silent guns to avoid attracting attention. My heart started beating, pumping adrenaline into my veins, and I knew from minutes ago that Iris felt the same.

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