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Love, It is funny how one word with only four letters has such power and emIt's emotions. It's weird how everyone desires and despises it; some feed and take viciously from it. Random letters result in one word, which could either build or break someone, but it's only a word, right?


Weddings, weddings, weddings, what a way to seal and have someone devoted to you? Here I am, lying on the bed, unable to sleep. Is it excitement or cold feet? How will my life be? I begin thinking. I am to be wed to the love of my life, Jonathan.

My twin sister slammed the door open, screaming, "Wake up, sleepyhead, you don't want to be late! Plus, Mum would kill me if she knew I let you sleep till now."

"Good morning to you, too," I greeted her sarcastically as I sat on the bed.

"Sorry, Hope, but I'm nervous we won't make it in time."I giggled at the fact that it was 8 AM and the wedding started at 5 PM, and I was the one who was supposed to be nervous.

"Don't worry, Liz. We will be there early." I assured her.

"No, we won't, not when you are still in bed." She pulled me off the bed.

After finishing my makeup and hairstyle, my maids of honor helped me with the dress. My mum's eyes teared up when she saw me. Whispering, "My little rose," she hugged me tightly, saying, "You are growing into a queen now."

"You are the one who raised me, mama. You raised this queen." I kiss both of her hands.

My nerves started kicking in when it was time to walk down the aisle. I was appalled to the point where I was about to puke, and the second my eyes met Jonathan's, all those feverish emotions faded into nothing. With each step, I found my feet steeling time; I'm ready to start new. As I stood in front of him, hand in hand, I knew that I found my home, myself in him.

We finished our vows with teary eyes and glowing smiles, my heart beating too loud and butterflies booming in my stomach. Then we kissed with joy and hunger, with complete love and devotion; it was different, almost savoring it. Head to head, finally, he was mine and completely mine.

Ringing scared my ears, and I felt a body collapsing over me. Death, along with gunshots, filled the air, and that's when I first saw it: Jonathan's colorless face, white as a ghost, eyes drained from life. A pounding started in my head. I can't move, but I see blood, and I don't know if it was mine or Jonathan's. My vision blurred from tears and clouded with unconsciousness, and that's when I first met darkness.


I opened my eyes and turned my head to see a nurse checking the dropper. The beeping sound of the machine was too loud; my head felt heavy, and I couldn't shake the bitter taste of the medicine from my mouth.

"What happened?" my voice was dry as sandpaper.

"There was an accident, but you are all right now," she answered with a worried smile.

"Where is my family, my husband?" I questioned.

"Darling, it's a miracle that we were able to save you because no one made it," she said. My whole body froze, and goosebumps of fear crept into my hand., I lost everybody. I lost everyone; they are all gone. How, when, and what happened? I was there; he was standing in front of me. My sister and friends were to my right; if I turned, I could see them and hear them sniffing as they cried joyfully. My mother, the only parent I had, sat at the front. I could feel her warmth from the hug still lingering on my skin. I blink away, hoping to clear it or wake up from this nightmare. I felt uncontrollable tears run down the side of my temples. I was all alone in this world; my mind ached in disbelief.

I looked at her with teary eyes, "That can't be true."

"Darling, I'm sorry for your loss," she put her hands on my shoulder.

"No, you are a liar; they can't be dead." I pulled her from her shirt. It was raw anger that erupted." WHERE ARE THEY?!" We were interrupted by the nurses filing in, slamming the door, as they hurried towards us to hold me down to inject me with a sleep-inducing medicine.

The next time I woke, I saw the doctor checking the machine. I was tied up, and then it dawned on me everything that happened; I was drowning in pain. I stared at nothing in absolute silence when I heard the doctor say. "Don't do this to yourself; it's not good for you nor the baby."

I looked at her in confusion. "What baby?"

"Hope you are pregnant. Didn't you know?"

I looked down at my stomach, asking, "How long?"

"One month," the doctor replied in certainty.

I exhaled a laugh. "Jonathan and I always talked about having kids. And now I'm pregnant all alone without him." Bitterness in my heart is killing me. I have no one but myself and the baby. I don't know what to think about my situation. Should I feel joy, sadness, or both?

"You are not alone; you have a piece of him inside you. All you have to do is take care of yourself", the doctor replied warmly.

She is right. I might have lost everyone, but I have my baby; a limb of joy overcame me. It is the light to my darkness. And I swear to protect them and be a better mother consistently. 

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