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"They are coming," I scream into the phone after searching for it for a while. My mind seemed to have been frozen when her water broke; she had to slap me hard to get me back to function.

Iris groans, holding the table hard and lowering her head. " Listen, doctor, I am an expert at many things but not delivering, so you better be here." Iris groans again.

"When did the cramps start?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

"Give me Iris." I placed the phone on the table and put it on speaker.

"Iris, when did the contraction start?"

"They've been going all day, but nothing too extreme." Iris groans louder, then takes a breath and releases it. "Not like these."

"All right, I'm on my way."

"Azrael." I take the phone and put it to my ears. "I'm here."

"Get her to the operation room; she's going into an early delivery."

"All right." And I hung up the phone, took a deep breath, then walked to Iris; she was gripping the table so hard that it groaned. "Come on." I place my hand over hers, and she holds it; we slowly walk down the stairs, Rowen behind. Iris stops at the end, gripping my hand tightly. "Breath." I pull her closer.

"Like this." I do start; Piro comes in with Derek, laughing.

They both stop to look at us, "They are coming." Derek's eyes widened, "They are coming?"Piro questioned.

"They are coming." I confirm again and witness Piro and Derek squeal like little kids, "They are coming." They screamed, and I laughed. "They are coming." I joined.

"Fuck."Iris shouted at us as we stilled like school kids, "I'm in pain." She grabbed my hand tighter.

Derek and Piro rushed towards us to help as Iris struggled to walk. Derek took the phone in his hand and put it on speaker as it rang, "Wanna fuck?" Elara asked mockingly.

Derek ignored as he screamed into the phone, "They are coming."

"They are coming?"


"Tell that bitch to keep them in until I come." We hear someone weeping in the back.

"As if I had the fucken option." Iris groaned.

"Okay, you're dead." A gunshot echoed from the phone. "You burn," We heard someone scream in pain, "And you," a sharp cry came out.

"I've always wanted to stab my heels into someone's dick, but I wanted to save it for someone who truly deserved it. Lucky for you, I'm in a rush and a happy mood." Iris groans again, and I chuckle at Elara's craziness; I don't know how Derek puts up with her wildness.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" As she continued taking baby steps, Iris asked, 'What did she just say?'

"You have no idea, sister." Iris tries to laugh but regrets it as she moans in pain.

"Girl, hurry," Derek says.

"On the way." She ends the call, and Derek then calls Venice to come.

We finally reached the room. We kept prepared for Iris. Everything was ready; Sam was there checking everything was provided. We sat Iris down, laying her content on the bed. Sam attaches the wires, keeps the contraction in check, and informed us that Iris is 6 cm.

She was passed after a couple of minutes, with Iris tossing and turning. She looked around, seeing all the boys, and I knew what was going through her mind. Iris gripped the side of the bed and my hand as I rubbed her back; Derek put on some relaxing music as Piro massaged Iris's foot.

"You guys." Iris pouted her lips; you can see how grateful she is.

The doctor knocked and entered. Iris greeted her, and Sam gave her the file as she checked on Iris's contraction chart. She then checked on Iris, "You are 10 cm." Naida says as she motions for Sam to get the equipments in. "She's ready."

Iris looks at her and then back at me; I give her a reassuring smile and nod. "You got this." I rub her back as I slowly turn her back to lie down entirely on the bed. Nadia proceeded to prepare Iris; my family sat on chairs beside the mattress. We discussed this, and Iris didn't mind if they were with her in the delivery room. I wouldn't say I liked having them here watching her entirely, but they mean well, and I think Iris deserves the support.

I intertwined our hands, and Elara did the same from the opposite side: "When I say push, you push." Naida said as she finished setting everything up.

"Are you ready?"

Iris tilts her head and says, "Hopefully."

"Just keep thinking that you will have two beautiful babies in your arms in just a few minutes." Iris nods, and her blue eyes glitter at the idea.

Naida sits back in the chair, "give me the first push, Iris." And Iris does.

"Another," Iris does, and they continue up to almost five. With every push, Iris groans, and the pain is visible with her expressions.

"One more Iris,"

"I can't." Iris pushes her head further back.

"Hey, you got this; we have come so far to give up now." Iris looks at me, and I look ahead, then back at her, "The first is almost here, come on." I grab her back and try to push forward gently.

"Come on, Iris, come on, one last push." Iris tightens her grip on my hand as she pushes with a sharp groan.

Nadia picks up the baby and hands it to Iris; without hesitation, Iris lets off our hand and holds it. "It's a girl."

A wave of warmth washed over me, and I saw Iris holding her, calling her, and the nurses wiping the blood off. Iris locks eyes with me, "You are a god." I shake my head, believing, "I'm so proud of you."

I am beyond words, and my mind seems to witness what is happening but is lost in words. She brought a human to this world. Iris looked up at the ceiling as tears of joy slid down her temples.

"I'm a mother mom." The baby's cry echoed into my soul, and I leaned forward, and she locked her hand with my finger. I didn't know I was crying until Iris cupped my face and wiped it away, "Thank you." She whispers.

I wrap my hands around her neck and kiss her head multiple times. Iris continues to surprise me, and I can't help but admire her repeatedly, my madwoman.

"No, thank you." I have no idea what has arisen in me, but I have never been happier.

"We are almost done, Iris." Naida cuts us off as the nurse takes the baby girl; she's so pretty and tiny.

"Okay, we will do this again, and that's it." Iris nods and corporates better this time; her baby girl gives her the motivation and strength she needs to proceed. Iris fought against the pain as she pushed again and again. The men went to look at the baby as Iris resumed.

After a couple more pushes and struggles, the second baby came out, and it was, "You have a baby boy."

I can feel the men's heads in our direction and almost laugh. "You did it." I brush her head gently with my hand. "You did it, Iris; you are a mother now."

Iris couldn't help but cry as she held her baby in her arms, "I am." She breathed.

"I'm so proud of you." I kiss her once or twice, and I would do it repeatedly if it showed her how proud of her I am.

I cup her face, and right there, when I dived into her eyes, I knew I was alive. I knew this was what it felt like and held it with my hands. My oxygen, my heart, my all. It was all in front of me; she was in front of me.

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