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"It's made of Bohler M390; it's the best martial art to make blades of," he told me. "The black gems and the pearls are real."

I looked up at him, "It's beautiful."

"It's yours now," he said as he was two steps away from me.

"What, why," I said, looking down at the blades.

"Everyone chooses their blades first, and you chose a good one." he looked down at me with his ice-blue eyes as I looked up at him.

"I'm guessing you have never used these before?" Azrael said, and I nodded. "And you are sure or lying to me?" I chuckled and rolled my eyes, and he said, "No eye rolls, bamboo."

I say after him "non la tua bambola del cazzo"

"Chi ti ha insegnato la lingua?" He stops in front of the target.

"Madre, e conosco molte lingue, Azrael." For the first time, I said his name. He looked back at me, and amusement hovered over his eyes, but I was unsure.

He clears his throat and stands aside." It's easy to think of it as a part of you. That is a little more dangerous and can cut into your veins by pressing it against your finger, so be careful with it," he warned.

"I must say you chose the messiest," Azrael said as he looked down into my orbs, and I looked up at him, saying, "Just how I like it."

"So all these weapons belong to you?"I looked around.

"No, actually, these are dead people's weapons," he said, and I turned my gaze. "History treasure."

"More specifically, our ancestors. When they die, we take their best weapons and reuse them. Like those rose blades that belonged to Rosina Steel." he explained.

"Who is that?" I asked as I looked down at the blades.

Azrael took a deep breath; looking around the room, I fixed my eyes on him, waiting for an answer. "My mother." I wanted the earth to crack and swallow me, as he said. Fuck this is awkward.

"Azrael, I can't take them, I-"

"It's fine; it's time to get some blood on them anyway."

I spent a few hours training on how to use them. Azrael taught me the basics first, and then we started practicing.

"I think it's enough for today," Azrael said as he put his blades on the table.

"All right," I replied to him.

"You will be training with me tomorrow since you scared Piro. I will text you the time because we will start late tomorrow."I smirked, packed my bag, and walked to the exit.


I reached my father's house a few minutes later. As I went to my room, I was interrupted, "Darling, do you need me to make anything for you to eat?" It was the same lady who got me dinner yesterday. "Um, I don't want to tire you," I replied. "It's okay, honey; lunch will be served in 30 minutes, and if you want to eat anything in particular, just tell me," she said. "No," I replied on my way into my room.

I finished showering and then wore a hoodie and sweatpants. I sat on the bed, and a force pulled me deeper into it. I didn't have the energy to fight it, so I napped. Once I woke up, it was already 9 P.M. I cursed at myself and walked through the silent hallway, hearing only my slippers hitting the floor. I entered the dining room and saw my father talking on the phone in annoyance. I made my way to sit across from him and waited in silence.

"Fuckers don't know how to do their work."My father said after he finished his call, I stayed silent—my first average meal without my family and the first with him. The helpers started adding food to our plates as Daniel tried to have small talk. This place is so quiet, so lonely. Does he live all alone?

"How was the training?"

"It was all right, "I replied, taking a bite of my food.

"How is Azrael?" Daniel asked as he took a bite of his food.

I signed in annoyance. "Did he do anything, Iris?" He asked.

"I just don't understand why I have to train with him. Of course, you have many trainers, so why must I train with him."

"Because his father and I trained him personally," he said, and I replied, "You could train me."

"Does it look like I can train you? Plus, I want you to have the best trainer because our world is full of dangers." my father said as he continued eating.

I hit my knife and fork on the table. "You think I don't know that. Everyone I knew was wiped dead in a second." I said and stood up.

"And I'm here sitting eating food with my so-called father. '' I laugh sarcastically

"Iris," my father called my name concerned.

"Do you realize that my only connection to you is blood? I'm telling you I want to kill the murderer who wiped my family, my mother." I screamed at him.

"The woman you loved," I said softly while looking into his eyes, a pause rippled before I continued.

"Did you even love her?" I looked at my father with disgust.

"Iris," he roared my name.

"No, really, I wanna know. Because I see you sitting here doing absolutely nothing." I pointed my finger at him

"Did she matter to you, or was she one of your whores?" I screamed at him.

"YES." He replied as he hit the table and stood up, walking toward me as he said.

"I loved her more than the word itself. She was like a real-life dream walking. I loved her so much that my mind couldn't explain- I loved her to the point that I can't look at you even." His last sentences echoed around the room.

"You don't get to do this; you don't get to act hurt. You don't even know her; you know nothing about her." I screamed; he knew nothing, nothing about me or what I endured.

"You think it's easy for me to get over your mother, 20 years later now, you," he waved his hand around like I was some trash that needed to be let out. "You come here and claim that I'm your father and you have a twin sister, then I have to look at you every day." I step back and see his eyes darken with hate as some void claimed him.

"I hate looking at you," Daniel said as my eyes stung with tears.

"Maybe you are the reason she is dead," he said as he looked into my eyes.

"Every time I look at you," he said, looking me up and down with disgust. "I hate you even more."

I felt tears wanting to escape my eyes; I inhaled a sharp breath and let it sink in. I took a few steps and walked out of the room. I could hear my breathing stutterer. I needed to get out of there fast.

I walked out where the security team gave me the car key, awoke the beast with a roar, and drove fast out the entrance. I started speeding fast as I hit the main road. Breathing became a problem, so I opened the window. I didn't want to cry because I didn't want to admit that I felt secure with having a father, that I may have gotten slightly attached to him in only hours, and that I finally wasn't alone. So, I refused to cry. However, I felt like I was suffocating, and without knowing, I felt a tear escape my eye.

My heart was in pain, and my vision was getting blurry. I drove faster, with every thought crossing my mind. The rain started to pour on my car, "Fuck" I hissed.

"Why me?" my voice cracks as I hit the steering wheel. Why me, god, out of everyone, why me? Why do I have to suffer all of this? What did I do? What did I do?

My vision was getting even more blurry due to the tears I was holding back. Every breath I took was heavier than the other. The rain was getting more serious, and I couldn't see anymore. In seconds, I lost control of the car and crashed into something.

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