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"Dad?" I whisper as I see my father's face through all the smoke and the gunshots, people screaming and running.

"I'm here, my love." He rushes to me and falls to his knees.

"Dad," My heart jumps with joy.

"I'm here, my Iris; what have they done to you." His eyes tore up as he took me. "Let's get you out of here." They are here, they came for me.

No, this is just one of the games they play with me; I won't fall for it again. I look back at him and smile, "I won't fall for your games anymore." I spit, then wrap my chains around his neck. He falls to his back against my body. "Iris," His body shakes under my hold. "I've had enough of your game." I pull harder, "Iris, it's me."

"No, it's not; it never is."

"You are my daughter," I don't stop. "I forgive you." He stops fighting me. "It's okay, I love you." He choked before his eyes stopped moving.

I Roll my eyes. "Never again." I push back to the wall and close my eyes.

Azrael POV.

I cut through them; there were none of the creatures Iris described, meaning saving her was more accessible. "I found her." Daniel reported in the earpiece, "I'm on my way." I clear before shooting some bullets here and there between their eyes and see them fall to the ground.

"Derek, have you seen the babies yet?"

"No, not yet."

I turn three hallways after each other with men on the ground; I skip through them, knowing this is Daniels's doing. A door opens to one of the rooms, and I push it wide; it is dark, with a cell bar in the middle. The smell almost makes my nose bleed from how bad it is. There was a female chained both hands and feet, naked, with shoulder-length hair. She was covered in blood and scars; who was this? I walk closer and see someone in black on the ground; I get closer and find that it's Daniel.

Blood runs cold in my body; I can feel it solidify as she comes into view. Every ounce in my heart begs God that it's not her, it's not Iris. And as those eyes collide with mine, the only clear feature of her, her ocean eyes are now full of death. My blood crystals and my body goes numb. I fall to the ground; the weight is too heavy to hold up, and she's all bloody and dirty. This can't be her, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm at the door stunned, it can't be, this can't be her, there's no way.

"Iris?" I called her name in complete shock, my heart beating too loud. She looks at me without emotions.

I hold the bar to help me get up and around Daniel's body. Is he dead? I inhale sharply but regret it once the smell hits me too hard, making my eyes water.

"Who did this?" I look at Daniel.

"Don't act like you are not with them." I whip my head to her.

"What are you saying?"

"I told you, you won't fool me again." What is she saying? What is she saying?


"Unless you want to die like your soldier, stay away from me."

It's like she fired something into my heart, too deep; what have they done to her? Who does she think I am? Is this one of the tortures that they had on her? Make her feel we are coming, but it's all a lie. She killed her father; they caused her to kill her father. I walk closer to her, and she stares at nothing.

"Iris, it's me."I pulled her hand into mine, so cold, nothing of the girl I used to know. No word.

"I came for you." Nothing, it's like staring at a wall. "We will get you and the babies out of here." I nod in front of her, "Get out before I kill you too."

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