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Azrael, my eyes are looking at him in a heartbeat. Piro is calling someone on the phone. My feet rushed to him on their own, and Elara sat beside him with tears in her eyes. I fell on my knees when I reached him, and he said, "What have you done?"

"I stood tall for you."I kneel over him.

I look at Derek. "Where is the medic?" I said, and he looked at Piro.

"No." Elara breathed.

I look at Azrael's pale skin; his chest is steady, and his eyes open, staring at me. "Azrael," I called him more than once, and no response. I lay my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, nothing but a hollow chest; my heart sank.

I place both of my hands over his chest and try my best to perform a PCR; he can't die, not like this, not because of me. My eyes sting with tears from how my heart aches that I didn't realize I was holding; Elara spoke, "Iris."She cried. Derek had her close to his chest, but I didn't stop, I won't, I can't. Someone placed their hand, trying to pull me back, but I ignored it and continued pushing.

My hands started to ache, and I damn them."Iris:" Daniel called my name.

"Stop," he ordered.

"No," replied, where is the medic when they are needed? I feel Daniel kneel beside me and put his hand on my shoulder, pulling me into him.

"He's gone, Iris."

"No, he is not, he can't."I look at him without stopping, "He's Azrael, for fuck sake, he's Azrael." I scream. Daniel looks down.

"Iris," Piro called.

"He can't die."I inhale sharply; too much blood; he is losing too much blood.

"Iris, please," Daniel spoke again.

"He can't die, what don't you understand." I hissed at him, and as I met his eyes, my heart broke; they were all crying; Elara's sobs were too loud in this silent ball. "He can't die because of me." My voice broke, and I hit his chest with all the power I had.

A gasp erupted, and all our attention was on him; he was alive, and that was all that ran in my head. I place my head on his chest, and there it is, the sound of life. I pick up his head, brushing all the sweat and hair from his face.

"I haven't told you how beautiful you look."

"Fuck you." I hit his chest as a chuckle leaves my lips, and my heart aches slowly. I inhale sharply, finally regaining myself.

The medic came rushing into the ball, Derek pulled Elara away, and Daniel was about to do the same, but I stood alone. As I walk, I look everyone in the eyes and let them see the devil in me.

When I reached outside, the cold crushed my body, and the blood on me didn't help; Daniel pulled me from my arm. "You are coming with me." I hissed a no and pulled away. He tightly wrapped one hand around my chin, and I stared for longer than I thought.

"We are going home." He said, pushing his hand away.

"That house isn't my home; you made that clear."I just stood tall.

"I don't hate you, Iris, I never did." He took a step, and something in my heart smoothed.

"You remind me so much of your mother, and it hurts." He inhales sharply, holding himself back, then continues. "Because I never saw you cry, it feels like I am trapped." He exhaled clouds in the dry, cold air.

"I want to cry, scream, fall apart, and I can't do that in front of you." He pauses. " I am all you have; I have to be strong for you; I have to be the wall you lean on."Tears stream down his face, and I pull his hands away from his face.

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