Chapter thirty four✨

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             •••••Time stands still•••••

Mel shook in her bed disturbingly when she heard Gwen groaning loudly and seemed like she was dispersing things because she kept throwing them at the wall, initiating more noise. Mel stood up in alarm after she'd fully woken up and rushed to Gwen's room.

"Gwen what are you doing?" She questioned meaningfully after she'd gotten to the doorpost.

"Am... Looking... For... My.... Bracelet!" Gwen groaned tearfully, still scattering her back and flinging things away. She dabbed at her eyes and sniffed.

"Gwen.... Stop," Mel told her calmly, going closer with each step of her slipper.

"What do you mean stop? I cant find my bracelet!" She continued searching the bag like a maniac.

"Gwen, stop--"

Gwen was adamant.

"Stop please!" Mel then cried pleadingly.

Gwen paused and turned to her with tears in her eyes. "Sister Martha gave me that bracelet...." She mused huskily.

"We'll find it. I promise." Mel assured her and went over to throw her arms around her sister who sank into her hold as they both slid to the ground. Gwen buried her face in Mel's shoulder and wept convulsively. "This isn't you. Just please come back. Please....." Mel begged like it was a prayer.
"Cmon, open your mouth," Mel urged as she placed a spoonful of rice in front of Gwen's mouth.

Gwen looked at her.

"Cmon," she urged again with a nod of her head.

Gwen hesitated before slightly parting her lips and Mel slipped the food into her mouth. "Delicious right?" Mel smiled, trying to cheer her up.

Gwen started chewing slowly.

Mel sighed and dropped the spoon into the bowl of rice. She looked at Mel sympathetically. "I know you blame yourself for everything that happened. But none of it is your fault. Handsome used you and if Marco cant understand that then it's his loss, not yours."

"It is my fault. I hurt his feelings for me." Gwen stated pathetically.

"Much better than if it was opposite." Mel remarked making Gwen gape her mouth at her. "What? You know its the truth"-- she raised her both hands up in defense-- "you've always made me understood guys are scum. Remember when he was trying so hard to get in your pants at the bar? Then of course you splashed him his drink!" She burst out in hysterical laughter--"of course you'll remember!"

Gwen chuckled along tremendously, "how dare you bring that up? Am serious here!" She laughed even harder.

"On a more serious note....." Mel paused as the atmosphere went quiet. "I missed you," she confessed and extended a hand to Gwen.

Gwen looked down at her hand bemusedly.

"You're a strong woman-- we both are. So what do you say about starting over?" She offered with a broad smile across her lips.

Gwen thought before smiling too. "Am game!" She shook Mel's hand.

"That's the spirit!" Mel jumped joyfully. "Woo! So we start by finding you a new job--more better than working at the Gerald's. If you want i could quit--"

Gwen furrowed her brows, signifying 'hell no!' And smiled.

"Fine. We're doing this for you....." Mel snapped her fingers and giggled. "I have an idea!"
Marco kept staring closely at the charm bracelet in his left hand as he held up and squinted his eyes at it.

Torn Between Emotions💘🔥[2020]Where stories live. Discover now