Fourty three✨

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     Marco's phone rang out from inside his pocket and he brought it out. Going off to another spot after glancing at sober Mel. "Hello?" He said hoarsely into the phone.

"Handsome's at the hospital for now. He's still very unconscious. Until then, he's going to serve jail time for attempted murder. We've arrested the old man who works for him. Turns out they're both allies." The General explained carefully.

     Marco hummed, "Gorero. Thank you General, again, for today. Am indebted to you."

"When the time is due to pay your debt I'll let you know. I assume you're at the hospital?"

     Marco slightly nodded. "Yes sir."

    Silence overruled for a minute.

"She still hasn't regained consciousness--"

"The girl," General cut him off briefly. "Make sure she gets better. I can tell she means alot to you......."

     Marco was speechless.

"...... I can tell from the scenario of earlier. Marco, if you love a woman, never put her life on the line."

"I had no idea she was going to be there." Tears formed in his eyes as he spoke.

"Am not judging you. I have no knowledge of you two. But from what happened at the warehouse, it felt like she was trying to prove something to you. And it meant alot for her to take a bullet for you Marco. Just stay positive Marco."

     The line went dead......


     Marco heard Mel hush and he rushed to know what was going on. He looked through the glass and saw Gwen's eyes slightly open. A smile curved his lips as their eyes locked solemnly but in a second, she shut them back slowly.

     The doctor came out of the room, tossing his gloves into the trash bin close to the wall.

"How's she?" Marco asked him impatiently. Mel standing at his side.

"She's conscious now but needs alot of rest. The drug in her system will take a while to wash off and until then, she can't be awake or we'll have to deal with other casualties again."

"Like how many days does she have to sleep so the drug can cleanse off?" Marco sounded eager.

"A day or two." the doctor answered and walked away.

[Two days later]~~

     Bianca knocked before walking into the office. Marco glanced up at her.

"Is there.... A problem?" He asked.

     She shook her head slightly. "The investors are asking for a better presentation. I don't think they're pleased with the last one."

    Marco relaxed back on his chair and twisted his lips to the side with a tut. "What do you think?"

     Her brows flicked--" sir?"

"Nevermind! We'll redo the presentation."

    She made to leave--

"Wait. Any call from home?" He asked hopefully as his mind drifted to how Gwen might be feeling.

"Not at all," she replied and went out.

    Marco sighed drastically. "It's two days already, why hasn't she woken up?" He muttered under his breath.
      The doctor observed the young man lying peacefully on the sickbed with squinted eyes. "Did you say this young is yet to open his eyes for the past two days now?" He asked the nurse on facemask, standing beside him.

     She nodded correctly.

"He should be awake by now. I've run several test and he's good to go. He just has a broken nose." He explained and stroke his jaw in thoughts. "Keep a close eye on him and let me know when he wakes up." The doctor concluded and exited the ward.

     The nurse stayed rooted at one spot until the doctor was long gone, before she moved closer to the patient, staring at his face. She tapped his arm lightly. "You can cut off the pretense now, he's gone," she announced and rolled her eyes.

      Handsome flung his eyes open and a mischievous smile curved his lips. "Never really thought you'd come through for me Zara." He said, standing up.

      Zara pulled off her mask, rolling her eyes at him again. "Am doing these for a reason. You promised to help me with Marco-- so let's just say you owe me one!"  She said back, helping him remove all the needles attached to his hand.
     Marco entered Gwen's ward quietly, walking up to her bed where she lay peacefully. He sat down on a chair close to the bed and took her hand in his.

"Gwen.......... I can't wait for you to wake up," he confessed, scrutinizing her face as he played with her fingers. "I can tell how much you hate me right now, but..... I want to make up for all the times I hurt you. For the times I made you cry. For the times I called you names. I let my pain get the best of me, am sorry Guinevere. So just please wake up already........" He leaned his head and pecked her hand.

     His phone started ringing in his pocket but he ignored it completely, still gazing at sleeping Gwen.
I'll wait till you open your eyes Gwen. I'll make sure am the first person you look at when you wake up.

    Seconds turned into minutes and so did minute turn into hours, still, Marco did not intend on leaving the hospital. He fell asleep eventually, with Gwen's hand still in his grip and his head laid down on the side of the bed.
    Gwen could see herself lying in the pool of her own blood and there was this guy holding her close to himself as he looked at her with so many unexplained emotions in his eyes. "Don't you dare die on me Gwen!" He yelled.

"Sir Marco......." She began hallucinating with her eyes still shut tightly.

"Gwen!" Marco alarmed and stood up, sleeping clearing from his eyes. He searched her face for any sign of discomfort. "Gwen," he called calmly again but she was quiet. He sighed and sat down back.

    Gwen squeezed his hand on an impulse, leaving Marco in shock. He stared down at their entwined hands on the bed and back at her face slowly. "Gwen......"

    She opened her eyes weakly and their gazes locked instantly.

     --his phone rang out loud, interrupting their eye Convo. Marco stood up to go and answer the phone.

"Hello," he placed it on his ear, glancing at Gwen who would not stop staring at him. "What about Handsome?................. The doctor said he hasn't woken up in a while now...................... Maybe there's a possibility thought-- I can place my hands on it."

"Marco...... There's something I need you to know right now. Handsome,"

"What about Handsome?.." Marco asked carefully with suspense in his tone.

"He absconded from the hospital this morning."

    Marco's lips dropped in outmost shock. "How the hell?!---"



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