Final chapter✨

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                           •••••Marry me💍•••••

[Gwen's POV]~~
"I promise to protect you from now on even if it means risking my life."

    He has said those exact words but I doubted it. As a child, I was abandoned in a waste bin. I grew up knowing the only person who picked me out of that dirt... Sister Martha.

    When she died, it was just like watching my whole world crumbling down in one go. I tried to cope. I tried to fight it but I could not get over her death. My only escape route was to flee from the orphanage home because I never mentioned that the rest of my peers would have nothing to do with me. I expected nothing from life because I was nothing but dirt, brought out from the waste bin.

   All my life, I've always wanted to be loved.... Then I met Mel's mum who took me in as a second daughter. I found something to hold onto again. I was glad.

    The miseries of life never end, like I heard. Few years later, we lost my surrogate mother to death. Mel and I had no choice but to embrace our fate and fend for ourselves. She loved me like a sister and I felt indebted to her.

   Now it was time to repay her.

"I'll go with you. Just stop aiming your gun at her!"

     I saw the sadness and guilt that crossed her face as I walked out the door with Handsome. She feels she might have lured me into the lion's den but I was grateful I got there in time. Truth be told; I couldn't bear to loose another one dear to me. I won't survive this time if I did.

   My whole body felt very weak and I just relaxed immobile on Handsome's shoulder as he flung me over. Not moving, struggling or protesting.... Just immobile like I was brain dead.

   My head ached from the pain of earlier and my heart? It ached from the harsh reality that no one was coming to my rescue. I had given up the hope that Marco would look for me and save me like he always used to... But now I expected him..... No show.

   I broke out of my thoughts when he placed me down on my feet. I initially lost my balance but he snapped his muscled right arm around me, tapping my face lightly with his left hand.

"Hang on. It'll take just some minutes and then I'll rush you to the hospital ok?" Handsome said to me like an assurance.

"Please...." It was me speaking but I could barely even hear myself. I was too drained.

"Hang on....." He disappeared from my sight and the only thing I could now see were some group of armed men dispersing and taking covers to hide. Some behind the entrance door to the rooftop. This had me wondering what they were up to.

   After what seemed like an hour, I started hearing distant sirens and the wailing got closer by every passing second. I lifted my eyes to the sky and sighted an helicopter from afar. It's probably just passing by... I scoffed at the atom of hope that flashed my mind. Nobody knows where I am--

    Suddenly the rooftop door broke down and some men made their grand entrances, cocking their rifles in the process. It startled me and I squinted my eyes at them to be sure who they were.

They were all on uniforms and in their middle was...... Marco.

  I blinked severally at him to be sure it wasn't a dream or a trance like people would call it. It was really Marco dressed in his army uniform. I had no idea when a dry smile curved the sides of my lips, probably because I've always dreamt of seeing his whole full glory in that uniform>>

Torn Between Emotions💘🔥[2020]Where stories live. Discover now