Chapter 5: Nowhere To Go But Up

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Hello! As promised. 4 chaps will go up today. Enjoy! 💚😊
Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 5: Nowhere To Go But Up

The central business district of London was humming and bustling with activity. People were rushing to get to their respective offices and horns can be heard glaring, trying to make traffic move along. A gun metal gray BMW sedan drove up to the half-moon driveway of One Canada Square in Canary Wharf, the valet stepped up and moved around to the driver's side to open the door. A pair of Manolo Blahnik's Hangisi black stiletto pumps stepped out followed by the owner who was dressed up in the latest Chanel office ensemble.

"Good Morning Ms. Mendoza! I hope you had a good drive." The valet greeted as he held her door for her.

Maine adjusted her Gucci sunglasses on her head and grabbed her LV bag from the passenger seat. "Good Morning Milton. Traffic wasn't that bad." She walked around to the other side. "Milton, easy on the corner when you park."

The valet gave her a salute in acknowledgment of her requests.

Maine walked to the glass doors, which opened automatically. The personnel at the reception greeted her warmly. Maine just nodded her head in acknowledgment. While waiting at the elevator banks, Maine was again greeted by employees belonging to her department.

Arriving at her office, Glizelle, her secretary informed her that Prof. Tindley wanted to speak to her as soon as she arrived.

"Thank you Zelle, can you call his secretary to inform him that I've just arrived and will be seeing him in 10 minutes." She told Glizelle as she settled down on her leather swivel chair, turning around so she could appreciate the magnificent view of London's skyline.

Maine tapped her chin. 'What could he possibly want to talk to me about so early? I was able to submit my quotes for the HSBC merger with Standard Chartered a week early from the deadline,' she said to herself, a frown wrinkling her brow.
Hearing the door to her office open again, she turned her chair.

Ray uncrossed his arms and walked towards her table. "Why the long face Ms. Mendoza?"

"Ray!" Maine jumped up from her seat and met him in the middle of her office. She gave him an embrace and a peck on the cheeks. "When did you get back from Geneva? Why didn't you even call me?"

Ray draw back and grinned. "And what, miss this kind of welcome home greeting?" He chuckled at Maine's blushing. "I see you still can't take compliments in stride."

He took Maine's chin and lifted her head so he could look into her eyes. They were in that position when Glizelle entered.

"Ms. Mend.. Oh, I'm sorry.." Glizelle realized her intrusion and tried to make a quick excite.

Ray and Maine broke apart, Maine moving back behind her mahogany desk while Ray sat down on the leather couch opposite her.

Maine absently fixed the papers on her desk. "It's okay Glizelle, what were you about to say?"

Glizelle stood uneasily by the doorway. "Prof. Tindley's secretary said that he'd like to see you right now."

"Okay." Maine gave Ray the 'do-you-have-anything-to-do-with-this' look to which Ray replied with a shrug. "Zelle, did his secretary mention what it was he wanted to speak to me about?"

Glizelle shook her head. "Sorry Ma'am, all that he said is that Prof. Tindley wanted to speak to you as soon as you arrived."

Ray stood up. "Let's go, I also need to see him and tell him about the conference that I've attended."

George, Prof. Tindley's personal assistant greeted them as soon as they stepped off the elevator. "Good morning Ms. Mendoza, Prof. Tesoro, the chairman has been waiting for you." He bowed his head and closed the double doors.

Ray and Maine walked on the heavy carpet towards the oak wood desk and sat down on two wing-backed chairs in front of it, waiting for the similar wing-backed chair to face them. Prof. Tindley, sensing that his guests have arrived, turned his chair to face them.

Prof. Tindley clasped his hands together on his desk. "You must be wondering why I called you in so early, Maine."
He pulled out a folder from the pile on his desk. "Well, I'd like to talk about you performance in my company. Over the past 5 months, you quickly climbed up the ladder, from being a measly assistant; you're now the youngest junior partner in this firm. Last week, you submitted your quotes for the merger of HSBC and Standard Chartered. I just heard from them before you arrived and.."

Maine moved forward to the edge of her seat, her hands clenched together from nervousness and anticipation.

Ray put his hands over hers and gave it squeeze of encouragement.

Prof. Tindley's stern face broke into a grin. "They approve of your quotes. As of now, HSBC and Standard Chartered have merged because of your brilliance. They have also retained us for further financial work for them. Congratulations Maine! You did it again!"

Prof. Tindley walked around his desk and moved towards Maine to give her a hug. Prof. Tindley held her at arm's length and told her his next surprise. "They were asking which senior partner in the firm submitted the quotes and I told them it was you."

Maine's eyebrow raised at his last statement. "But I'm just a junior partner Prof."

Ray leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. "No, not anymore! Didn't you get what he said?"

Prof. Tindley grabbed an envelope on his desk, "Maine, here is your formal letter of promotion."

So our little missy is going up the corporate ladder. The opening scene where Maine got off her car I got the idea from Devil wears Prada where Miranda Priestley got off the car and her shoes is the first thing you'll see. So cool yet so powerful. 😎

So what's next instore for our couple? We'll find out soon. 😉


Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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