Chapter 32: My Baby Love

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For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 32: My Baby Love

~~Fullerton Mansion~~

Nanny Virgie knocked softly at first, but when she didn't hear any sound of acknowledgement from the other side, she slowly grasp the door handles. She treaded softly across the carpeted bedroom to reach the bed, thinking that RJ was still bundled up in the covers. When she shook what she thought to be a shoulder, she realized her wrong assumption. The bed only contained the bunched up duvet cover and blankets that made it appear like someone was still under it. She frowned, wondering where RJ and baby could be.

Her hearing was intrigued by the noise that was coming from the open door of the bathroom. As she came near it, she was able to decipher what the noise was, it was laughter coupled with water splashes. As soon as she was at the bathroom's door, she was surprised to find that RJ was in the tub, shorts and shirt on, with Sebby. RJ was attempting to give the baby a bath and was making a big watery mess out of it. It wasn't after he had fully rinsed Sebby that RJ notice that there was somebody by the door.

RJ smiled. "Good Morning Nanny! Glad you're here. Please fetch me some towels and some change of clothes for both of us."

"Oh yes, towels and change of clothes coming right up! Oh, make sure that the water stays warm so that the little one will not get cold."

"Don't worry, I made sure of it."

Nanny Virgie wasn't even five feet away when RJ launched into a bath time song to entertain Sebby. Despite her age, she was sure that he heard RJ singing, 'Rubber ducky, you're the one, you make bath time lots of fun!'

~~The Docklands, Maine's Apartment~~

A small pile of Maine's things was starting to mount behind her, but she didn't care. It could turn into a mountain; she still wouldn't care, not until she finds what she is looking for.

If her mother were here, she would surely chastised Maine for the mess that she was creating even as she would bend down to start fixing her daughter's mess. It was a good thing that she was able to convince her mother to stay behind and wait for the kidnapper's call.

She was silently chiding herself for purposely 'losing' it over a year ago in her belongings as part of her plan to get rid of memories of him.

"Well, it's not as if you knew that he would find out about Sebastian and go to this extreme to get him. Argh! Why couldn't my baby's father have been someone ordinary! Someone who didn't have influence that could reach over half way around the world! Damn you RJ! Why do you think I didn't tell you about our son in the first place? He is the only piece of you that I have, why couldn't you have just let me have my happiness in peace?"

When she found what she was looking for, she found all the answers to her ranting. As she opened her Philippine passport, something slipped out. She picked up it and stood up to relieve her cramped thigh muscles. When she turned it over, she wished she had the better sense not to.

Maine closed her eyes to block out what she saw, but it was no use. Even if she didn't see their picture again at the King twins' birthday over a year ago, she knew that the picture was forever etched in her mind and heart.

"I really hope you have Sebastian with you. Please God, let my hunch be correct, let RJ have our son," putting her hands together and looking up to communicate her fervent prayer.

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