Chapter 44: Truths and Truce

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For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 44: Truths and Truce

"You sent me to hell," Maine disclosed softly. She said it so softly that he wouldn't have heard it if he weren't listening so attentively.

"What?" He asked in disbelief, not quite sure if he heard her right.

"RJ, haven't you ever wondered how Sebastian got here? Why he is here?" Maine answered him with questions of her own.

"He got here through courier delivery. Before I knew he was mine, I thought he was my nephew by my brother who ran away. I told you about him, remember?" RJ answered back, feeling like a big idiot confessing that it took him quite some time to figure out Sebastian was his.

"Even then you didn't wonder why was he delivered? I mean who delivers a child?!" Maine prodded at him.

"I did wonder at first, if whoever wanted him delivered could just be outside the building that day, the delivery person even insisted that I sign the forms personally, making sure I was the one personally receiving. But then the reasons behind the method of bringing him to me became insignificant. What was important was that he was where he belonged," RJ told her, conviction ringing in his voice.

"Well, RJ, that's where you are wrong," she replied, voice steady and firm.

"What do you mean? What does his delivery have to do with us?" RJ asked obtusely.

"Everything. RJ, our son was kidnapped," Maine revealed, voice hitching in remembrance of the agony she went through when she first found out.

RJ sat frozen in his seat. Twin emotions of anger and gratitude coursed through his body in the instant he heard her say kidnapped. He was angry with the kidnapper. How dare he touch his son! When he finds out who that kidnapper is, he will make sure that he wished he were never been born.

And then he was angry with himself, for not being there to protect his son from the evil elements of society. Then he felt gratitude because things could have been worst. Despite the method, he was still glad that Sebastian was kidnapped. If it weren't for it, he probably wouldn't have known that he is his a son.

"When I woke up this morning and found his crib empty, I thought it happened again. And then I saw you together. I lost it. I'm sorry for my outburst," Maine said contritely.

"Maine, there is nothing to be sorry about. If there is anybody in this room who should be sorry it should be me. I wasn't there to protect you and our son," RJ told her solemnly, his heart leaping with remorse and protectiveness.

Ever since he met her, he had always been experiencing emotion in doubles where she was concerned. At times his emotions were in conflict with each other, and at other times, in harmony.

'What strange hold you have on me Maine that you play havoc on my emotions whether you are near or far,' RJ mused to himself quietly as he looked at her trying to come up with an answer to what he just told her.

"RJ, how could you be there to protect us when I didn't even tell you that you have son," she answered back, painfully admitting to him and to herself that everything was her fault; a regretful smile on her lips.

"Maine, listen to me," RJ told her as he cupped her face in his hands.

He saw surprise register in her eyes at his sudden nearness. She was busy blaming herself for the fiasco that they were in that she didn't notice RJ inching towards where they were on the other side of the sofa. She tried to avoid his gaze, afraid of what secrets
he might read that lay hidden in their depths.

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