Chapter 4: Forward

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For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 4: Forward

Visits to Prof. Tindley, became for both Maine and Ray, a regular routine. Every other weekend, Wilhelmina would invite them to have dinner at the Professor's residence.

During that period, Ray and Maine came to know each other better. Maine found out that Ray was born and raised in Manila but went to study and stayed in England for college.

Prof. Tindley, who also used to be his professor at the London Business School, recognized his natural ability in Finance and thus hired Ray as a junior assistant after his graduation in his Accounting and Financial Firm.
He then worked his way up the corporate ladder and in 4 short years, he became a senior partner, owning 35% of the corporation. And with Prof's Tindley's bout with stroke, he has been acting as the company's president and CEO.

Ray on the other hand was delighted to know that they had a lot of things in common. Like him, she left Manila bringing along a gamut of emotional baggages. He admired her dedication and perseverance, most especially after he learned that she qualified for a full scholarship at the prestigious London Business School for her MBA, and that her parents are both caregivers working here in London.

She reminded him of himself when she was at her age, full of drive, passion and ambition. What he can't figure out though is why her smiles don't often reach her eyes. She has very expressive eyes that mirror whatever goes through her head, yet he can't fathom why he always catches a glimpse of a deep sorrow even when she smiles and laughs. He tried to broach the topic to her a thousand times but every time she would ask, she would wittingly change the topic. He wonders whether the reason for the sorrow can found somewhere in her emotional baggage.

Maine's excited scream blended nicely with the buzz of enthusiasm of her fellow graduates after the end of their commencement exercise. "Put me down Ray! You're embarrassing me in front of my parents!"

Ray acceded to her request only after he spun her around. "I told you could do it! Congratulations Ms. Magna Cum Laude!" Ray smile sheepishly at Maine's parents. "Sorry Auntie, Uncle. I just got carried away."

"Impetuous boy!" Prof. TIndley struck Ray on the head with his walking cane.

Ray rubbed the sore spot. "Ouch! You could have told me that without hitting me on the head you know."

Instead of raising in his defense, Wilhelmina only ganged up on him as well. "Serves you right for embarrassing Maine."

Maine turned to face the owners of the voices she heard. "Professor! Willa! You said you couldn't come!"

Professor Tindley smiled at her. "How could we miss this?" "We just wanted to surprise you!" Willa said, winking at her.

Prof. TIndley slipped his arm around her shoulder. "Besides, it's not every day that a student of mine graduates with the highest distinction this school has given."

Ray looked around the dinner table and saw that everyone was satisfied with his or her dinner. The Professor was conversing with Maine's father about the results of the Six Nations rugby match last Sunday while her mother and Willa were talking about the increase in market prices for red meat and seafood.

He took his chance. "Auntie, Uncle, can I borrow Maine? I'll take her home afterwards."

Both her parents looked up from their respective conversations and gave their consent. "Of course, sure."

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