Chapter 60: Let's Talk

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Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 60:  Let's Talk

Maine's eyes became questioning. 'Did he say what I heard him say?'

His parents looked themselves in the eye and asked the same thing. 'Did we hear him right?'

Jacinta Fullerton's eyes reflected, 'Wife?'

While that of Roberto's mirrored, 'Married?'

"RJ, please put me down." She requested in a whisper.

He raised his eyebrows in question. "Are you sure you can stand?"

She nodded. "I don't want your parents to think I'm such a weakling that I have to be carried around."

"Are you really sure?"

"Please." She insisted when he didn't move to put her down.

RJ sighed, planting a tender kiss on her forehead and proceeded to accede to her request. He bent down to allow Maine to place her feet firmly on the floor, keeping his hand firmly on her waist, making her lean into him so that her legs wouldn't carry most of her weight.

Maine's forehead creased into a worried frown. Her eyes darted to his parents and back to his face. 'Will they like me?' she asked silently.

RJ smoothed her frown with gentle fingers, reading the distress in her eyes, giving her a reassuring smile. "They'll love you." He leaned his forehead upon hers, whispering, "Just like I love you."

'What is it about her name that sounds so familiar?' Jacinta asked herself. She repeated the name over and over again in her mind until it hit her.

"Maine!" his mother exclaimed in excitement.

She is the one.

Her exclamation jarred the three other people back to the present situation at hand. Now it was RJ and Maine's turn to look at her in surprise.

Jacinta handed the Gerber jar to her confused husband while she crossed the few steps to where her son and his wife stood.

Her arms open wide. "Maine! Oh my goodness, welcome to the family! I'm so happy to have you as our daughter in law." She gave her a very tight and warm hug, turning so that she could talk to her husband.

Maine's eyes again widened in surprise at the sudden display of warm affection that RJ's mother showered on her. She always thought that they would deal with her at arm's length since she is not from their social strata.

'I told you so.' RJ mouthed at her evident surprise.

'We are?' Roberto mouthed his question to his wife across the room.

Jacinta nodded imperceptibly but with much conviction. 'Tell you later.' she mouthed back.

"Congratulations son!" Roberto gave his son a hearty pat on the back upon reaching them. "Maine, thank you for giving us a very wonderful grandson," hugging her the same way his wife did.

Maine could only smile in reply. She really didn't think 'you're welcome' was the appropriate reply.

"So tell me when did you got married?" his mother asked Maine as she pulled Maine's hand to get her to sit on the chair at their breakfast nook.

Maine gave RJ a frantic look as she allowed herself to be dragged off by his mother.

RJ was about to follow them when he felt his father's hand clamp down on his shoulder. "Let's leave the women alone with their talk. Why don't you join me in the study and let's have our own talk."

RJ returned Maine's frantic look with his own.


"What a tangled we weave, when we first practice to deceive.." -panindigan nyo yan ha. 😂😂

Uh-oh, trouble maybe brewing for Maine and RJ. Can they keep up the charade that they are married or will his parents find out? 🤔

And because I know it's bitin, I have one more update for today. Surprise, surprise! This is me making up for being paasa last monday with that false alarm update. 😆✌️

So watch out for one more new chapter for today. ☺️💚

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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