Chapter 102 My Girls

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Credits to EB YT GGMY for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter: 102 My Girls

I picked another petal off the daisy, raising it up to let the wind carry it away. 'How did you do it mother?'
The wind picked up, whipping about my hair all over my face. 'You always bounced back from a relationship without much ado.'

My hands wiped the dust that collected in grooves of her headstone. 'You taught me everything except that one.' I lighted the candles. 'I know you can still hear me,' my eyes pleadingly looking up the clouds moving eastward. "Teach me."

A strong gust of wind passed me by, putting out the incense stick in my hands.


"Raymond.." My father's voice greeted me in surprise. "What brings
you here?"

"Can you spare me a few minutes?"

"Of course." He nodded to his secretary. "Have a seat."

I took his offer but my restlessness soon had me standing and pacing his office.

"What did you want to talk about?"

His hand on my shoulder stopped my pacing.

"It's not about business, isn't it?"

I could just nod. I should get on with what I came here for. After all I only asked for a few minutes. "It's about..."

"Alexa?" He said at the mini bar in his office.

I uncoiled my tense stance. "How did you know?"

"How could I not?"

He handed me my glass. "Was I that obvious?"

"It's nothing to be ashamed off. Love is the most wonderful thing in the world." He looked at me above the rim of his glass. "Why do you shun it away?"

"I was confused." I answered my father honestly, my restlessness leaving me, finally allowing me to sit down.

"About your feelings for her."

"No." Our eyes met. "Never about that."

He looked away. "I'm sorry. If it weren't for me.."

"It is not your fault."

"If it weren't for me, you two wouldn't be suffering right now."

"My suffering is my fault, Papá." I felt my heart grow lighter after I said the word 'papá.' Warmth spread through from there as my father and I shared a tight embrace, both our eyes bright with unshed tears.

"Son, I swear on everything I hold dear and precious in my entire life that I did not have any relationship with her mother. You know how sometimes we have to find "unique" ways to woo and keep clients and businesses, she has been most helpful in doing that for us. Liora is a friend, an ally, nothing more. Her only fervent wish is that I help her only child finish school. That's the reason why I pulled some strings with Finnegan to give her a scholarship with the foundation and she has been deserving of it. She has been like a daughter to me. And I think you... you would want that too."

"Like what?"

"For her to be really be my daughter... in law."

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