Chapter 62: The Oldest Profession

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Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 62: The Oldest Profession

She drew her shawl closer around her. She had no business being out here in the cold but the nippy winter wind warmed her better than the stuffy air that permeated the ballroom of The Savoy. The people inside were so full of themselves and their business empires that they miss the whole point of the reason why they were gathered there.

She drew a long sigh.

The city lights burned brighter than usual with the addition of Christmas lights that decorated the city's skyscrapers. But she only saw darkness.

On a bright night like this, she lost her mother.

She shook of the dark thoughts that threatened to envelop her. She closed her eyes and thought of more pleasant thoughts.

"Alexa, are you ready?" He did another round of pacing in front her bedroom door. He looked at his watch. "We are going to be late."
It was a lie. They still had 45 minutes to get there but he couldn't wait to see her dressed in the gown he picked for her.

"I'm almost done." She answered. "Now where are those darn shoes?" She looked under the bed and finally found them.

He was really becoming impatient. "Alexa!"

"Coming!" she said slipping her heels on.

Ray rushed inside when he heard something crash to the floor. He knelt by her side. "Are you okay?!"

"Darn heel broke on me." She said as she cautiously touched her ankle.

He moved to her feet, removed the broken shoe and touched her ankle. "It's not broken."

She started to squirm when his hands continued to caress her ankle.
"You go ahead. You don't need me there anyway." She said to break the silence.

He shook his head. "You're coming with me."

"What, on barefoot?" she said to his back as he went out of her room.

He presented her with a pair of Manolo Blahnik's in the same shade as her dress upon his return. He grinned sheepishly, "Good thing I keep these for times like this."

Alexa looked at him quizzically as he slipped the pair on her feet. She quickly stole a glance at his feet but
Ray caught her.

Ray laughed at her unspoken question.

Then she had her answer.

The shoes fit her perfectly. Surely, they were for her and not his. She looked at his feet again to assure herself. "I got it the day after I sent you the dress. I got busy with numerous meetings and I forgot to give them to you earlier."

She smiled at her own silliness and doubts. "Thank you."

He extended his hands to her. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Giving him her hand to help her up.

A hand on her rump and alcohol breath jarred her back to the present.
"I hope that smile on your face is because of old times, and me," the middle-aged Caucasian whispered near her ear.

Struggling to be free of his hold. "You've must have mistaken me for somebody else sir."

The man's speech was slurred but she still heard him. "The way you move is hard to forget, Allegra."

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