Chapter 93 Where The Heart Is

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 93: Where The Heart Is

"What? Again?"

I quickly loosened the drawstrings of my pajama bottoms as I climbed onto our bed to get to the bathroom, stepping over my husband (sigh! He is finally MY husband!) In my haste.

"Careful!" He reminded me when I almost lost my balance, his hand on my thigh, giving support.

I smiled sheepishly, "I really need to go," I explained, jumping off the bed, cutting my trip in half.

Whew! Made it! My shoulders slumped in relief as I did what I came to do. My hands instinctively shot down to my pajama bottoms to pull them up when the door opened admitting my husband into the bathroom.

"Love, are you okay?" It was hard to believe that he was really concerned with his hyena laugh bouncing off the walls. His eyes were starting to mist at the sight of me caught pulling up my pants. Well, what can I do? I'm still not used to sharing the bathroom with anyone, even him. He sobered when he realized I wasn't laughing along with him. "This is your third trip here within the hour and a half."

Since when did he become so observant? "Tell me about it," wiggling a bit to find a more comfortable position as the toilet seat was starting to dig into my bum; I didn't want to get up with him still there, watching me. "I guess I just had too much to drink at dinner. Plus I'm really excited for tomorrow." I beamed up at him.

He wiggled his brows at me; his eyes twinkling at whatever thoughts that were running through his mind. "Me too! One year down, six months to go!" he finished with glee, rubbing his hands together.

Six months? Six months! That stumped me for a few seconds.
"Oh no mister! We agreed on two years!"

He jumped down from the bathroom counter and advanced towards me, his shorts skewed on his hips from his sudden movement. "Oh no missus! I distinctly remember us agreeing on one and a half."

"But our son has a meaner jealous streak than you do. Remember what he almost did to poor Ethan at the wedding?"

He just waved away my concern. "That wouldn't be a problem." He stood before me. "We're going to have a girl." He stated it as if it were a fact.

"How can you be so sure?"

He placed his hands on my knees; his eyes mesmerizing mine as it gave off a sexy gleam. "You're married to an expert here."He smugly whispered against my lips.

"Mmmm." I hummed in delight even if it was a brief contact.

"Besides, I have inside info."

"Inside info?" When I opened my eyes, he was walking back to bedroom. How dare he leave me hanging!

"What inside info?"

What I got in response was a pure arrogant RJ gleam. "Inside info. I'm inside you all those times."

I grabbed the nearest weapon I could get my hands onto - a fresh roll of tissue - and hurled it at him. "You're one cocky git!" I pouted my lips at him.

My husband caught it smoothly and looked back at me, giving me a perfect view of his body's profile. "You bet I am," adjusting his skewed shorts and giving me a wink while he was at it.

All I could do was stare at him as he sauntered out the bathroom. Then I grinned silly. That fine specimen of a man is my husband!

My shoulders hunched in giddiness. That's when I noticed the empty tissue holder on the wall. I then realized what the fresh roll is for. I stretched my legs out to get the other tissue box at the edge of the sink counter. Why couldn't I have been blessed with longer legs? Ugh! I really shouldn't have been that impulsive with my choice of weapon a while back. "Love!" I called out sweetly, "could you please bring back the tissue?"



Still nothing.

"Richard James!"


It was more than 30 degrees outside tonight but I still rubbed my hands over my arms to ward off the chill that was seeping through my body from inside out. I pursed my lips as I noticed that the light in my brother's room have been turned off. My eyes darted towards my parents' bedroom. The same thing; the lights have been turned down low. I placed my hands behind me and leaned back. The whole house was turning in and calling it a night. So why was I outside looking in?

I tried to kid myself that I was still I adjusting to the difference in time zones. Yeah right Ray. That poor excuse would have worked three months ago. I let out a frustrated sigh. There was really no winning when you argue with yourself is there?

Three months. Has it truly been three months? I could still remember it as if it was just a minute ago.

"Uncle Roberto!" I should have known something was amiss when I heard her uncle's name. But cheery lil' optimistic me thought that he couldn't be the ONLY Roberto in Manila. "I'd like you to meet Ray, my significant other." Significant other. Now that appellation muddled my lovesick brain, which made my worries fly with the winds that whipped about the rooftop that day. When he turned, I knew that I should have held onto them tight. Right that minute; I almost wanted to believe that the Fullerton men were cursed. But hadn't I just witnessed my brother claim his happiness and is reveling in it right now? Maybe he was spared and I wasn't. I closed my eyes and my brows knit while my cheek ticked. Oh my god, is she the daughter of one of my father's women? When I opened them she was gone.

"Why! Tell me why!" I asked the starless sky, my hands pounding the ground beside me. I pulled out a handful of grass in frustration. I stared at the mansion that I used to call home. Despite my family's reconciliation and coming together, it was only a house for me.

For home is where the heart is.

And she is not here.


Grabe ka RJ uy! 😆😂

Awww.. wawa naman uncle Ray ni Sebby ☹️

If you still have questions, clarifications or reactions - violent or otherwise, please feel free to shoot them at me. Again, if I don't reply, know that what you're asking for will be coming up in the future chapters. Okay? ☺️

I'm so sorry. I wasn't able to update Vignettes over the weekend. I got sick, I was actually off work on sick leave for 2 days - migraine/vertigo combo is the pits of hell! 😖🤢😭
I'll have the update all ready for next week. Thank you for waiting. 😘💚

See you tomorrow for two more! Labyooo... 😘😘😘

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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