Chapter 46: Three is a Crowd

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Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 46: Three is a Crowd

"That's it! You're fired!" RJ hissed as he turned around to face whoever it was who kept tapping him on the shoulder.

But the words died in his throat as soon as he saw who it was. "I was never under your employ so I doubt if you can fire me," Mark told him, still cracking from laughter at RJ's reaction to his tapping.

"Why were you huddling in this corner for?" Mark asked even though he knew perfectly why his friend was there.

"I was seeing to the plants. They look like they need watering," RJ answered quickly, hoping against hope that he wasn't THAT obvious.

"You watering the plants? All our science plant projects died because you drowned them," Mark countered, couldn't help himself from teasing his friend at being caught eavesdropping.

"So what? That doesn't mean I haven't learned my lessons," RJ said to him as he stomped away from Mark to put an end to their silly conversation, wincing inwardly that he was going to miss Alex's revelation.

"What took you so long?" Alex asked as he saw Mark enter.

"I had a little bug to take care of," Mark cryptically explained his tardiness, his eyes pointing to the doorway, hoping that Alex will catch his meaning.

"What?" Maine asked in confusion, thinking that it was literally a bug that he had to take care of.

"Oh a bug," Alex replied, getting the meaning of his gesture.

"Huh? Will somebody explain to me what you two are referring to?" Maine asked them both, sensing that they weren't telling her the whole story.

"It's not important," Mark told her firmly. "You were about to tell Maine something, Alex?" Mark inquired, bringing back her attention to Alex as he took his seat beside him.

"Oh yes. Maine, RJ is not the same RJ you knew when you first came back from London. The lifestyle he lived before has long been gone. Actually it has been changing since you first left. But since you came back the first time, all he's done is work, work, work," he finished, looking to his side for Mark's confirmation, which he gave with his nod.

"That's old news. Sebastian's nanny told me that last night." Maine told, deflating their attempting at convincing her that their friend has changed for the good.

"Sebastian Fullerton, has a nice ring to it don't you think?" Mark asked Alex, trying out her son's name with that of his father's, turning another avenue in an effort to give their friend a chance.

"Yes, definitely better than Sebastian Mendoza," Alex added, ganging up on her.

"Guys, can you please stop? You're making me hope for something that is not there," Maine exclaimed, not being able to take the yearning that their words set free in her heart.

Seeing how upset they've made her, the two decided to refrain for now. Alex remembered that she owed them the full story of her being here, and now that Mark has arrived, had asked her to recount it. After the story, the three came to several decisions.

One was that she needed to call her parents and inform them she and her son were all right.

Two, they were still going to keep her whereabouts a secret, only until she has the courage to say everything to Issa, which the two men hope would be sooner rather than later.

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