Chapter 75 Almost

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 75: Almost

"So it takes around 4-5 hours to decorate the whole church with flowers?" RJ asked the supervisor overseeing the flower arrangements at St. Catherine's for Gio's wedding the next day.

The supervisor nodded his answer. In the past 30 minutes, the man before him has asked him all he knows about flower arrangements for the wedding making him feel like he was applying for his job again. When the man didn't ask him another question, he ventured one of his own. "Is that all that you want to know sir?"

RJ nodded and thanked him.

As the man went back to his van, RJ stepped behind the counter and immersed himself in the flowers. His nose like a bee, fleeting from one bud to the next, smelled their fragrance, while his hands feeling each different texture of the petals.

"I see you've finally stopped to smell the roses." Mark teased him when they found him with his hands clasped around a single purple tulip, eyes closed in contentment as he inhaled its subtle fragrance.

Mark rubbed the back of his head when he received a smack from Alex with his comment. "What roses! There are no roses here. Can't you see they are all tulips?"

RJ laughed.

Gio laughed and shook his head.

Alex waved his hands at the tulips that surrounded them. "What! There are NO roses here!"

"It's an expression Alex. Mark wasn't talking literally." RJ explained before another laughter exploded from him with the quizzical look on Alex's face.

Alex sharply faced Mark when the latter gave him a smack on the head. "What did you do that for?"

"Now we're quits!" Mark answered him laughing.

Alex huffed but puffed in laughter at the silliness of their banter. How he miss these moments with his brothers. "So have you guys finally set a date?"

RJ rolled the tulip bud against his lips before answering. "Not yet. I still have to ask her parents for her hand."

"And that is when?" Gio asked from the corner where he was inspecting a batch of blue tulips.

"We'll be leaving for London the day after your wedding." He announced.

"Why a day's interval?" Mark asked as he picked the leaves from the tulip's stem.

Alex slipped a piece of baby's breath in between his lips. "Yeah, why don't you just go there directly after the reception?"

"Maine and I will still be picking up Sebastian." RJ answered with longing in his voice.

Gio knew that something flew over his head. "Sebastian?"

"My son." RJ answered proudly, his eyes twinkling.

Gio whipped around and raised an eyebrow at Alex and Mark. His lips mouthing, 'Son?' while his eyes was saying, 'You guys knew and you didn't tell me?'

Alex and Mark could only shrug their shoulders at him and smile sheepishly.

'The plot is thicker than I thought.' Gio mumbled to himself.

RJ slung his arms around Gio's shoulder. "I've been meaning to
tell you but,"

"Yeah, yeah. I know the excuse. I use it too." Gio said, assuring RJ that it was no biggie on his part that he was the last to know. "How is Maine holding up being cooped up in the hotel most of the time?"

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