Chapter 21: Six Hours

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For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 21: Six hours

~~Royal London Hospital~~

He felt out of place in the pastel colored office of Dr. Weismann.

Women in different stages of pregnancy surrounded him, making him fidget in the dainty chair on which he sat on. He kept checking his watch and looking expectantly at the door, hoping with its every swing, Maine would be the one to enter.

Ray was absorbed in his own thoughts. 'I thought with their,' referring to the women around him in various stages of pregnancy, '....capacity to increase in size, they would make these chairs a little bigger in anticipation. Where could she be?' He took out his mobile phone and already had a connection when the receptionist glared at him and pointed to the no-mobile-phone sign hanging on the opposite wall. He smiled sheepishly and closed his phone.

A loud buzzing came from the intercom and the receptionist stood abruptly after getting the message and rushed to the inner office. Dr. Weismann came out not a second later, making a beeline for the door.

The receptionist came out from the inner office and announced that all their appointments have been moved to a later hour because the doctor had to attend to an emergency that the paramedics had just brought in.

'Well, that will give Maine more time to get here.' Ray thought to himself.

~~Accident & Emergency Dept, Royal London Hospital~~

The EMT was pushing the gurney and talking to the attending E.R. doctor. "Vehicular accident. 37 weeks pregnant, contractions every 10 minutes. We've given her Terbutaline to slow it down but they still keep on coming. Her blood pressure shot up to 220/180. Fetal heart tones are distressed."

The A&E doctor placed his stethoscope on Maine's abdomen to confirm what the EMT just said and he heard the erratic beating of the child's heart. He looked at the nurse who was getting the patient's blood pressure. She said affirmative.

The doctor signaled for her to prepare a shot of vasodilator to lower the woman's blood pressure. The nurse was about to put the needle in when a voice shouted for her to stop. Dr. Weismann came running to the Accident & Emergency wing, waving her hands and signaling the nurse to stop. "No! She's allergic to that."

"Your patient?"

Dr. Weismann replied affirmatively. "Yes. Stats?"

The A&E doctor filled her in on Maine's statistics while she was monitoring the fetal heart rate through the fetal Doppler. It was still erratic. Dr. Weismann requested for another shot of sedative to calm Maine down, hoping that it will also bring down her blood pressure. While the shot was being administered, she went to stand at Maine's feet and checked her dilatation and timed her contractions.

Dr. Weismann finally breathed a little. "Thank god, it's slowing down."

After five tense minutes, she checked on Maine's blood pressure again. It was still slightly above normal but it was better than what she had when she was brought in. The fetal heart rate also went down and was now steady. She gave a cry of delight, "We're stable people! Get her cuts stitched up and wrapped, then we can move her to the maternity. Keep that I.V. flowing, I'll see you upstairs."

~~Dr. Weismann's Office~~

The man was carving a path on hallway outside the Doctor's office. Maine still hasn't arrived. He called on her mobile 5 times and all he got was her voice mail. At first he was irritated that she didn't even called to inform him that she would be late but after dialing for the 5th time and getting the same response from her mobile number, he started getting worried.

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