Chapter 56: Wild Fire

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For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚

[⚠️❗️Warning!! SPG entries ahead. If you are below 16, please skip this. If your sensibilities are offended by these types, please do not read. Thank you.] ❗️⚠️

Chapter 56: Wild Fire

The first to go was the beard, which was dropped to the floor as soon as they entered his room. Although she did like being tickled by it, Maine still preferred to have RJ's lips on hers without any other embellishments. Then it was the wig. Maine knocked it off his head when her hands sought to ran through his thick hair. Next was the santa costume's top. The bulging stomach was really getting in their way. And then there was the pants.
RJ's kisses paused for the second time since they entered the room when he felt her hands on the buckle of his pants. When RJ released her lips, Maine looked down to get the business of unbuckling his pants over before she lost the courage to do so.
RJ stilled himself, enjoying being disrobed by Maine. It was an all-together different feeling being on the receiving end. He found that he liked it, he really like it. He really liked it a lot, in fact.

Soon Maine was done with the unbuckling; it was now down to the button and the zipper. RJ thought that his feelings couldn't possibly swell any bigger than it already has. But Maine's hand on the zipper tab proved him wrong. He had to suck in his gut just so as not to shock her with his excitement when she pulled it down. He has had enough when he felt her inserting her fingers in the waistband of his boxers.

"Don't I get to open my present as well?" Holding her hands at his hips.

Maine looked up at him. "By all means."

RJ tugged at the costume's blouse that was tucked in. He started unbuttoning it, his hands fumbling from the excitement.

"I thought you've done this a hundred times." Maine joked.

"I haven't had practice since you left me the last time." He said, admitting to his celibacy during the past 15 months that they have been apart.

It warmed her heart to know that there was no one after her that she decided to help him out.

"No. You're my gift, so I'll open you by myself." RJ softly protested.

Maine dropped her hands back to her sides. Soon enough, RJ was able to unbutton the rest. Slowly spreading the blouse away from her, teasing himself with each inch of skin he exposed.

The skirt quickly followed the blouse, his hands having found their dexterity back. Maine daintily stepped out from the pool of her clothes to be closer to RJ's warmth.

RJ ran his hands languorously over her arms, feeling her shiver. "Are you cold?" he asked concerned at her shivering.

"No. Are you?" she asked as she felt his abdomen tremble as she painted lazy patterns with her fingers.

"Not really. Although I know how we could get warmer." He told her suggestively and then proceeded to show her.

RJ cradled her face in his hands and brought down his lips to taste her again. Maine readily opened hers to allow him entry. Soon enough, they were again lost in a world where the only thing that mattered was the melding of their lips and tongues. RJ pushed her back towards the bed and followed her down when she fell back.

His lips made a wet trail over her body. The trail started from her lips, making his way down to her jaw and neck. RJ's lips lingered on her pulse point that Maine was sure that she needed to wear a turtleneck shirt to cover up the hickey that he just gave her while his hand lay warm on her breast, gently caressing her.

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