Chapter 16: Leaving On A Jet Plane

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Credits to Patrick J. Adams' ig post for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚

Chapter 16: Leaving on a Jet Plane

~~Flight CX906, First Class~~

The flight attendant bent over the sleeping passenger. "Sir, please wake up. We will be landing soon. You need to buckle up."

RJ blinked his eyes and adjusted his seat. "Oh thanks... " He proceeded to buckle his seatbelt and then opened the sunshade on his window looking out at London in its winter glory. He took out his necklace and clutch the ring.

~~Harrods, The Next Day~~

"Are you sure that's all that you need? I mean we can still get those baby clothes over there and some of the toys over at the other side as well."

Maine looked at the number of packages that Ray was already holding. "I think we got all that we need for now. We can still shop later; after all, we still have four months to go," lovingly patting her growing baby bump.

"You still haven't decided on how the nursery will look like?"

"I'm still waiting until I know the baby's gender. I don't want him or her to be stuck with the wrong color."

"I read a book that the best colors for a child are bright colors. Doctors say that bright colors stimulate their minds better than toned down hues."

Maine raised her eyebrows, "You read it somewhere? I just started reading on baby books."

"What? You should have started ages ago. I'll lend you mine." he said seriously.

Maine giggled. "You're taking things so seriously as if this is your baby." She immediately regretted them as soon as she said the words. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... "

He placed a palm over her bump. "He or she, would be if only you would reconsider my offer." he said solemnly.

Maine put her hands on top of his. "Ray, we've talked about this before and my answer still stands. I don't want to further complicate things. They are very complicated as they are right now."

Ray let his head hung, taking a deep breath. "As you wish. I'll just take our packages to the car. Then let's eat, you must be hungry."

"I'm famished! Do you mind if you just meet me at The Grill?"

"No, go ahead. I'll just meet you there."

~~Neill Strain Floral Couture at Harrods~~

"Good afternoon sir, what can we do for you?"

"I would like you to fill up this apartment with flowers, roses in particular," handing the
florist a piece of paper with the address.

"Very good Sir. I would presume you have the means to get inside the flat?"

"I've already made arrangements with the building managers. He will let you in. Make sure you are done before office hours end."

The florist smiled. "Very well Sir."

RJ handed his American Express Centurion black card to pay for his order. "Do you know any good restaurant here? None of that fancy tea stuff. I want real food."

The florist grinned. 'There is one on the 4th floor Sir. It's called The Grill."

RJ signed the card bill. "Thank you! I'll go up now."

~~At The Grill~~

"Good afternoon Mr. Tesoro, Ms. Mendoza is waiting at your usual table."

"Thanks Alfred." walking off in the direction of their table.

The maitre d' smiled at the handsome young man in front of him. "Good afternoon sir, for how many would the table be?"

"Just one please."

"Very good, this way please." leading him to the opposite side of the restaurant.

~~At Ray and Maine's Table~~

"I've already ordered for us. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. I love everything on their menu anyway, so anything that you ordered would be fine."

Maine stood up. "Good. Now excuse me, I need to go to the ladies' room."

~~At RJ's Table~~

"Will that be all Sir?"

RJ smiled at the waiter. "Add a Domaine de la Romanee and we're all set."

The waiter was very impressed with RJ's wine choice, he knew this is a VIP with the way he carries himself. "Excellent choice Sir. Your order will be served in ten minutes." bowing as he left the table.

RJ sat back in his chair and viewed the restaurant's ambience. Pin lights illuminated the restaurant giving it a cozy feel. There were different murals that depicted the different aspects of English life. As he was admiring one mural, a familiar figure obstructed his view.

RJ moved forward in his seat. "Maine?" he craned his neck to follow her. RJ stood up and followed her back to her table. What he saw made him stop dead in his tracks.

Ray, seeing that Maine has returned, stood up and pulled out her chair for her. "Here you go." placing his hands on her shoulder afterwards.

Maine smiled and placed her hands on top of his. "Thank you."

RJ saw the sweet moment between Maine and Ray, and he felt like bursting with anger and jealousy.

He clenched his fists, trying to control the urge to walk over to the table and grab the man by the collar and give him a taste of his fists. 'How could she have given herself up to another man so easily and even become pregnant with his child? All that talk about her perfect moment was bull!'
His mind raged as he stormed back to his seat, bumping a few people on the way, not caring.

Upon reaching his table, he took out his wallet and grabbed a few wads of bills and left the restaurant.

He whipped out his mobile phone as he sat in his rented chauffeured Bentley. "Get me the next flight to Manila right now! Driver! Take me to the airport!"

~~Maine's apartment, The Docklands~~

Ray paused at the door. "Do you smell something?"

Maine nodded. "Yes, flowers. But where is it coming from?"

Ray sniffed the air. "I think it's coming from your apartment?"

"My apartment?" hurrying to her door to unlock it but was surprised to find out it was ajar. What she saw inside left her breathless.

Ray came from behind her. "Am I right? Did the smell co..."

Maine's apartment was literally turned into a garden with the numerous flowers that
were delivered and arranged in it.

Awh, roses! how sweet of RJ right? too bad, jealousy got the better of him.

Yay, Maine didn't agree to Ray's proposal. Team RJ lang! Kaso lang ayun nagmaktol. Sarap batukan. 😆

The next update is a continuation of this chapter and will be up asap. Thank you! ❤️

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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