Chapter 54: Can You Please Spell Gabbana?

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 54: Can You Please Spell Gabbana?

~~London, England~~

He felt silly. He was shifting his weight from one foot to the other and swinging the paper bag he brought along with him. The worst part is he was back to his childhood habit of biting his thumb, which he hasn't done in over 20 years. When he spied himself reflected in the mirrors that surrounded the small and intimate boutique of Dolce and Gabbana, he stopped himself from fidgeting, raised himself to his full height and dropped his thumb. Thank the Lord he decided to come early. Nobody was around to witness his flight of silliness.

~~Earlier that morning~~

He raised his hand to knock but hesitated. 'What if she is still asleep?' He then placed his ears on the door, listening intently to any movement from within. He knocked when he heard the cabinet doors open and close. "Alexa? Have you seen my undershirt?"

Alexa looked at the door sharply. It was the first time since their kiss that he sought her out personally. After that kiss, they didn't see each other much but not from lack of trying. She wanted to talk to him during breakfast but the hospital called saying that they needed her there. Instead of clearing things with him, she just left him a pot of freshly brewed coffee and some warm bagels.

Ray stared at the door he just knocked on. It was the first time after their kiss that he sought her out personally. After that kiss, they didn't see each other much but not from lack of trying. He woke up extra early the next day to talk to her but to his dismay, it wasn't early enough. When he entered the kitchen, all he found was a pot of freshly brewed coffee and some warm bagels.

Alexa cleared her throat. "They are in the hamper. I included them in the laundry when I saw them lying around in your bedroom. Would you like me to get them for you?" she asked as she stood directly in front of the other side of the door.

"No. I will get them myself. Thanks." He replied. She was already overwhelmed with their kiss, what more if she sees him half naked.
Ray took the first white undershirt from the pile and quickly put it on. In his haste, he knocked over the hamper, spilling its contents to the floor. He squatted down to fix the mess that he just made. He had just finished folding and putting back some shirts into the hamper when his hands touched something soft and silky. He turned to look at it and his cheeks turned pink to match the shade of the undergarment that he was holding. He looked at the pile of clothes on the floor and realized that most of it was hers. He gave out a sigh of relief when he saw that there were only a few undergarments left in the pile.

'Oh my god!' Alexa's mind screamed. 'My clothes are also in that hamper!' She scampered off the bed and yanked the door open. She raced the short hallway leading to the laundry area, stopping short when she saw Ray closing the door leading to it; his arm around the hamper.

"Are you all right?" he asked. It seems that he was always asking that whenever she is around.

Alexa was still catching her breath when she answered. "Me? Yes. I'm perfectly fine."

"I brought the hamper with me," he said, stating the obvious.

She stretched out her hands to get it from him. "Can I have it back now?"

"No. You did the laundry. The least I could do is carry it for you." He said as he walked past her towards her bedroom.

Alexa worked her legs double time to catch up with his long strides. And it paid off. She reached her door first before he did. She took the hamper from him. "Thank you."

He took his the rest of his clothes on top of the pile. "Thank you as well for washing these."

She just nodded her acknowledgement, distracted. 'How did they get there? I know I placed them at the bottom of the pile.' She was disconcerted that her undergarments were right beneath the clothes he took from the top. "No problem." She said hurriedly and closed the door on his face.

He blinked at the door for a few seconds and laughed out loud in silence. The ruse had worked.

~~Dolce & Gabbana Boutique~~

"Good morning sir. How may I help you?" The perky sales assistant asked as soon as she stepped out of the backroom office.

He placed the paper bag on the counter and took out its content. "I would like to get an evening gown for a lady with these measurements."

The sales assistant looked at the articles of clothing that Ray took out, assessing and judging the woman's measurements. "Do you have any particular color and cut in mind?" She asked as she took the garments with her.

~~Royal London Hospital~~

She felt that everyone in the hospital cafeteria was looking at her as she signed the delivery receipt. It is not as if it was the first time that the hospital staff got deliveries at work. What was unusual about this delivery was that it wasn't hospital related. Far from it in fact, judging by the fancy packaging and the initials D&G; emblazoned on the top of the box.
Alexa decided not to finish her lunch. She didn't want their stares or their prying eyes when she opens the box. She went directly to the intern's lounge. Luckily it was empty so she had it all to herself. She wanted to lock the room to give her more privacy but like most lounges in the hospital, the door wasn't equipped with a lock. She sat down on one of the bunk beds and slowly untied the ribbon holding the whole package together.

She wanted to go outside and tell who ever it was that was making the racket to quiet down when she realized it was her heart that she was hearing. 'Be still my heart.' She said as she clutched her hospital scrub suit. When she lifted the lid, her lips formed an O in astonishment. Inside the box, nestled in fine paper wrappings was the most exquisite Bordeaux red gown she had seen. She lifted it up and pressed it against herself. She walked to the full-length mirror at the end of the room to see how it looked on her. The first thing she noticed was that it brought out the color of her eyes.

She went back to the bunk to see if there was a card. She found it on the floor. 'Must have fallen when I took the dress out.'

Dear Alexa,
I can see that it has already brought out the color of your eyes. Please come with me to the company's annual yuletide ball.


Alexa's smile was ear to ear after she read the message. Who could resist a man who knew how to bring out the color of your eyes?

A quick look at what's happening across the pond. Alexa haba ng hair mo ghurl, abot planetang Venus! 😂

Ray sama din kami sa party. 😂

See you tomorrow for two more updates! 💚

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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