Chapter 30: Special Delivery

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For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 30: Special Delivery

~~Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Immigration~~

Tuesday Early Evening
Immigration officer: Passport please, *thumbing through the passports given* Vacation sir?

Man: *shifting the baby basket from one hand to the other* "You could say." *he said with a reserved smile*

Immigration officer: *stamping the passports* "Thank you for picking Manila as a vacation destination. Have a great stay!"

Man: *moving out of the line after getting back the passports* "I'm sure I will." *smiles again*

~~London, England~~

Tuesday, Dawn
Eerie silence permeated the Mendoza household. Except for Maine who was given a sedative to keep her from breaking down, nobody slept. The police left a few hours ago, leaving only one detective behind to wait along with them for the kidnapper's call.

Mrs. Mendoza's eyes were puffy from crying on and off the whole day while Mr. Mendoza looked like he aged 5 years judging from the haggard look that masked his fear and frustration. Ray's hands were already starting to shake from the 10th cup of espresso that he has drunk in order to keep him awake to receive the kidnapper's call. He was fixing himself his 11th cup when the phone beside him in the kitchen starting ringing.

Eight pairs of eyes stared at the phone, all hoping that it was the kidnapper who was calling. Detective Peterson held up his hands to stall Ray from answering the phone. He went beside him and hooked up the call tracer and then gave Ray the signal to pick it up.

Ray: Hello?

Man: Tell Ms. Mendoza her son is safe. He will be where he belongs in just a few hours.

Ray: What do you mean!

Man: Just tell her what I told you.

Ray: You don't want money? We are prepared to pay. Just tell us how much.

Man: If I wanted money, I wouldn't have come after her baby. Just tell her, her son is safe.

Then the line went dead.

Ray shouted. "Hello! Hello?"

Mr. & Mrs. Mendoza went immediately beside him. "What did he say? How much did he want?"

"He said Sebastian is safe. He doesn't want money."

Mr. Mendoza shouted in frustration. "Then what does he want?!"

Ray was about the answer him that he doesn't know and doesn't even have the slightest idea when Detective Peterson gave a shout of triumph.

"Thank god they have improved these tracers! We've got him," pulling out the reading from the printer nearby. "It doesn't look good though. It's from a mobile number. Wait, do you have a phone directory?"

Mrs. Mendoza, puzzled as to why Detective Peterson needed a directory, got up and gave him the latest edition. The detective flipped through it until he found the right page he was looking for.

"Gotcha! Your kidnapper is in the Philippines."


"That's the country code that his mobile number carries. There is great probability that he is in the Philippines unless his mobile network provides global roaming."

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