Chapter 104 Been around the World

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 104: Been around the World

I smiled at the surprised look of Mrs. Wells when I opened the door even before her knuckles rapped on my door. "Good morning!"

She returned my smile. "I thought you were still sleeping. Did you even sleep?"

"Not much but I actually feel rested." I answered as I moved back into the room, allowing her to enter.

"Do you need any help?"

Warmth spread through me at her thoughtfulness. "If you don't mind, can you do my hair?" I handed her my brush. "For once, I don't want to wear my hair in my usual bun."

"Of course. Today is such a special day."

I caught her looking at the picture of my mother.

"I'm sure she is so proud of you."

I caught her eye in the mirror and smiled. "I know she is."

After a few brush here, a twist there and a couple of hair sprays here and there, Mrs. Wells pronounced, "Definitely not your average bun."

My eyes grew round when I turned and saw the intricate weave of my hair. "Thank you Mrs. Wells. It's beautiful."

"Just like you." She enveloped me in her arms. "I don't mean just the outside. You're beautiful on the inside AND the outside."

I could only hug her back. Tight.
Her fingers wiped the tears that threatened to fall. "Oh come on, no tears. You just applied your mascara. Don't you go raccoon eyes on me."

I sniffed and held back my tears. "I won't."

She placed my hand in the crook of her arms and patted it.

"We've got time, why don't we go down to the kitchen and have our selves some breakfast first?"

I placed my hand over hers. "Let's shall."


Confetti and whistles filled the
small kitchen.

"Thank you Georgie," I bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek as I accepted the bouquet of fresh flowers from his mother's garden. "Thank you all of you." I said, looking at Mrs. Wells' brood who woke up extra early just to partake of my graduation breakfast. "What are you standing there for? Sit and dig in."


For the second time that early morning, I patted Randall on the shoulder. "Remind me to recommend a raise for you to Jason when this day is over." I said as we left the jewelry store, my purchase safely resting inside my pocket. It wasn't nearly as beautiful as the one in New York I was originally going to get, but it would do for the mean time. Now we had to get to the venue to set the ball rolling.

"I've already got your new tuxedo sir." Randall said as he held the door of the limousine open for me to get in.

I smiled at him gratefully. "I'll make sure you'll get a double raise and a handsome bonus." I answered back, my hand already unbuttoning my shirt so I could change while he drove me to my ultimate destination.


The applause was deafening after I ended my graduation speech. I searched the crowd and found my friends and classmates clapping their hands off. I couldn't help but smile but I knew that it didn't quite reach my eyes. A seat still remained empty in the row provided for my guests that day. I guess I didn't wish hard enough.

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