Chapter 6: Star light, Star Bright

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 6: Star light, Star Bright

The night was surprisingly cool, complete with gentle breezes that kept on flirting with Maine's long hair. Refilling her wine glass for the 5th time, Maine looked at the man by her side and smiled. She couldn't stop herself from smiling today. She still couldn't believe that in five short months she was able to fulfill her career goal. Even her parents were as surprised and ecstatic as she was when she informed them of the good news.

Ray took her out to celebrate, complete with roses and fancy dining and some dancing. When Ray brought her back to her flat in Docklands Drive, she invited him for a nightcap.

Ray took a sip of his cognac. "You look like a cat that got the canary with your constant smiling."

Maine beamed up at him. "I can't help it. Blessings are pouring my way. And one of them is you Ray."

Ray gave her a disbelieving look. "Me?"

Maine stabbed his chest with her pointing finger in jest. "Yes, you! If you didn't hire me as your assistant back then, I wouldn't be where I am right now." Maine leaned back against the railing of her flat's balcony. "Ray, you're a very good man.."

"But not good enough to be your lover.." He whispered with his face just a few inches away from hers.

Unknown to Ray, his choice of words unwittingly unlocked a memory that lay hidden in the dark recesses of Maine's mind. Her alcohol-clouded mind chose to focus on that memory so when she looked at Ray, it was not his face that swam into focus but rather that of RJ. Maine closed the gap between them and lovingly caressed Ray's face, thinking it was RJ's.

Maine's eyes were glazed with amazement. "You're really here! You're finally here! What took you so long to find me? I almost gave up hope but every time that I was about to lose it, my heart just won't let me."

Maine pulled Ray's face down and was about to kiss him when the phone started ringing. It broke the spell that was cast over them and Maine embarrassedly moved away from Ray's embrace. Ray hung his head back and let out a heavy sigh showing his frustration. He cursed the caller silently before he followed Maine inside.

Maine took a deep breath before answering her phone. "Hello, Maine here."

A female voice shrieked her name. "Meng!"

Maine almost dropped the phone in surprise. "Issa! How are you? How did you get my number?"

"I'm fine. I asked Alex to find it for me, his stupid PI slept on the job that's why it's only now that I got it. How are you? How come you don't write or call anymore? Not even a text!" She asked dejectedly.

Maine settled herself on her living room couch. "I'm very sorry Issa. I got caught up in my work. You know how it is."

Issa didn't let her off the hook that easily. "Yeah, too busy even to show up at my wedding, my wedding Meng! You're my best friend, you were supposed to be there! And my children's birth or even their baptism. You already have 3 strikes, and if this were baseball, you'd be out. But since it's not a ball game, and again, since you're my best friend, I'll still give you chance to redeem yourself. Three weeks from now, my children, your godchildren by the way, will be celebrating their first birthday and I would very much love it if you would to come. Please say you'll come!"

Maine twirled the tassel of a throw pillow. "Uhm.. I really don't know Issa, I just got promoted at work and I don't think the firm will allow me to take a leave of absence within the next weeks."

Issa knew she couldn't compete with that. "Uhm, okay, I understand. Take care and please stay in touch. Bye!"

Maine put the phone down and hung her head. Ray sat down beside her on the sofa and lifted her chin and saw her tears.

Ray's brows were knotted in concern. "Why are you crying?"

Maine sniffed. "That was my best friend back home who called, we're like sisters. She wanted me to come to her children's first birthday and I said I couldn't go because I've been just promoted and that I wouldn't look good if I go. I let her down when she has always been there when I needed her."

Ray wiped away the fresh tears. "When is the party going to be held?"

Maine wiped the others with the back of her hand. "Three weeks from now."

Ray took the phone from her hand and started dialing. "Hello, good evening, I'd like to book a ticket bound for Manila for Ms. Maine Mendoza. Yes, that's right, 3 weeks from now. Just charge it to the firm's account. Email the details to Ms. Mendoza. Okay, thanks!" He handed her some tissue for her sniffles. "There, you're all set. Now all you have to do is pack."

Maine blew into the tissue. "But how about my work at the firm? What would the Prof. say?"

Ray waved away her concerns. "Let your associate handle it. You're a senior partner now. And I'm sure the professor would say you deserve the vacation." Ray glanced at his watch. "It's getting late, I'd better get going."

"Thank you Ray! Good night and drive safely." She closed the door after he stepped into the elevator.
Maine gingerly stepped into the tub as she let her body get used to the warm water. Her mind preoccupied with the moment when she was about to kiss Ray thinking he was RJ. "Why do you still haunt my thoughts RJ? It has been three years. And in those three years, I've successfully lived my life beyond your influence, yet tonight, just a simple phrase undid me. Will I ever be free of you?"

She just dried herself, put on her underwear and wrapped the belt of her downy robe tight around her small waist. Maine trudged towards her bed and unceremoniously pulled the duvet out of the way. She lay on her side, staring out her bedroom window waiting for Mr. Sandman to sprinkle her with dream dusts. Maine saw a star shining through the cloudy night. Just as she was falling asleep, she looked straight at the star and whispered, "Star light Star bright, the first star I see tonight. Wish I may, wish I might. Let me have my wish tonight."

The same star that Maine wished upon was also shining down on RJ, her secret wish. It was when he was taking his nth gulp of the vodka that he brought along with him to the rooftop of his office building, that he noticed the star twinkling. "WHAT ARE YOU TWINKLING FOR? YOU G*D DAMNED GOOD FOR NOTHING SON OF A B**CH!!" In his rage, the vodka almost spilled over him.

"I'VE WISHED ON YOU A THOUSAND TIMES! IT WAS ONLY ONE WISH! A SIMPLE ONE AT THAT! AND STILL YOU WOULDN'T GIVE IT TO ME! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO, KNEEL AND BEG?!" He wanted to stand his ground and defy the celestial body but his knees were soon meeting the floor.

"HERE I AM MIGHTY STAR, KNEELING AND BEGGING!!" He looked heavenwards and showed the star his tears, his next sentence coming out in a broken sob. "Please Mr. Star, give her back to me.. give me back Maine.. please.."

Thank you Issa for that perfectly timed phone call! 😂
Naawa naman ako kay RJ, bukas luluhod ang mga tala ang peg, ay di pala, sya pala yung lumuhod. 😆
Will the stars give them what they wish for? Abangan ang susunod na kabanata... 😂

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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