Chapter 12: One Last Cry

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Credits to DTBY for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 12: One Last Cry

~~Maine's office, one month after~~

Glizelle came knocking on Maine's office door. "Ms. Maine? Do still need my services?"

Maine who was busy staring at the figures on her computer, looked up. "Huh?"

"I'm wondering if I could go ahead. My son has a field trip tomorrow and I still need to prepare his things and get up early to bring him to school."

Maine looked at her watch. It read 10:30. "Oh goodness yes, you may go Zelle. I'm sorry to have kept you here at the office beyond your usual time."

"It's okay Ma'am. I enjoy working for you, it's just that I really need to go home now. By the way, would you like me to order you something to eat?"

Maine nodded. "Thanks Zelle, the usual will do. Charge me overtime for you today. Goodnight."

~~At The Elevator Banks~~

"Glizelle? Working late again?"

'Oh, good evening Mr. Tesoro. Yes, as usual, Ms. Maine is pouring over her work so much so that she forgot to eat her dinner."

"She what? But it's almost 11pm."

"That's why I'm ordering for her on my way home."

"Don't bother, I'll take care of it. Good night Zelle, safe travels."

"Goodnight Sir."

~~Maine's Office~~

Knock! Knock!

"Just place them at on the table. How much do I owe you?" Maine said without even glancing.

"It's on the house."

"Oh Ray, what a surprise. I thought you would be home by now."

"I should be saying the same thing about you." As he walked around her desk to see what she was doing on the computer. "What are you working on?"

"Some stock quotes for the Royal Bank of Scotland. I just can't get them to give the right yield."

"Bank of Scotland quotes? But they're not due until two months from now."

"I know, but I have the urge to finish it tonight."

Ray maneuvered the computer mouse, saved what Maine was doing and shut down her workstation. "No. What your body should be urging to do is eat. And that is exactly what you will do" Ray took both her hands, raising her from her seat and then depositing her at the table where her food were.

"But...what about my quotes?"

"Your precious quotes won't starve, you, on the other hand, do. Now eat. I'm just going to get something from my office."

Ray came back with a bottle of Cristal together with champagne glasses. As he entered the room, he popped the bottle and surprised Maine.

Pouring the champagne and handing Maine a glass. "Here you go."

"What's the occasion?"

"We're celebrating the end of your one month of workaholic ways!" Ray gave her a grin.

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