Chapter 3: Busted

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For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 3: Busted

Ray clapped his hands to get the class' attention. "Can you guys take out your index cards and write down following information. Your name, birthday, general address, email address, telephone or mobile number, and your course in this university."

He looked around the classroom, eyeing everyone. "When you're done, you can submit it to me together with your analysis and your picture. There is glue on my table so you can paste your picture on your index card. I'll be using those index cards to call the roll next week. After that, you are free to go."

Maine was one of the last ones to submit her report and her index card. When she handed it to Ray, she quickly made a beeline for the exit but Ray called her back. "Ms. Mendoza, have you found a better parking space or do you now make it a point to come the university earlier so that you won't have to cut other people for the parking space? I can't believe out of all the stories that the Prof. told, me he forgot to mention that his best student is a reckless driver!"

Maine was slow in turning to face Ray for she felt blood flowing up her cheeks. She was sure by the time she faces Ray, she would be red as a tomato. But what she saw made her calm down.

Ray was smiling mischievously!
Maine breathed a sigh of relief. "Sir Ray, I apologize for that incident, I was running late for this class and I guess you know what a stickler for punctuality Prof. Tindley is that's why I grabbed the first space I saw."
She bowed her head in apology. "I'm sorry."

Ray tapped her on the shoulder to make her stand straight. "Call me Ray. I feel so ancient when people call me Sir." He stole a glance at Maine. "Besides, I believe I'm just about few years you're senior." When he felt that Maine still didn't believe him, Ray grinned at her, flashing her his dimples. "Don't worry about that incident, I also do that to people so it would be like the pot calling the kettle black."

Maine's lips finally broke into similar grin. "Sir.. Ray, what happened to Prof. Tindley? Why hasn't he come back?"

He started packing his stuff. "He is at home recuperating from a slight stroke. I'm visiting him after this, would you like to come?"

Maine decided to help him. "Uhm sure. Here, grabbing the reports and stacking them up, I'll help you tidy up."

Ray got the stack she handed him and placed them under his arm. "Thanks! Let's just bring my car. Anyway, I still have to come to the campus to do some research for the lessons next week."

Ray and Maine were standing on the front porch of a very elegant looking Victorian style two-storey house in the upper side of West Hampstead while a melodious doorbell sounded in the background. The manicured lawn was expansive, trimmed with flowering hedges. On the side was a garage that looked like it could house about 6 cars. The 2nd floor windows were a mixture of etched and stained glass that gave house the feel of being a work of art. Maine's attention was drawn to the door when it was swung open and Ray greeted the lady at the door.

Ray smiled in greeting to the person who opened the door. "Good afternoon Wilhelmina! I came by to visit the Prof. and with me is Ms. Mendoza, a student of his at the business school."

Wilhelmina moved aside to let them come in. "Come in, come in Ray, Ms. Mendoza. The professor is in the den. I'll be back, I'll bring you some tea and refreshments."

Maine cautiously stepped inside the house. "Thank you Ma'am. Please just call me Maine."

Wilhelmina immediately liked the girl. "Okay, but if I call you Maine, you must call me Willa."

Maine nodded in agreement.

Then Prof. Tindley's voice boomed from the den. "Wilhelmina! What is all the noise? Can't you see I'm watching the telly!"

Wilhelmina rolled her eyes. "Argh! Sometimes I don't know what to do with him anymore! He has been irritable ever since he came back from the hospital." Her eyes sparkled when she looked at them. "Maybe your visit will do him good." She quickly ushered the two to the den. "You've got visitors!"

Prof. Tindley huffed. "I didn't ask for visitors!"

Ray's laugh rang throughout the den. "You may not have asked but we're here anyway."

"Ray!" Prof. Tindley shook his hands vigorously while his eyes widened when he saw Maine. "Ms. Mendoza, what a surprise I didn't expect you here." Prof. Tindley pointed to the couch opposite his lazee-boy chair at the same time switching the TV off. "Sit, sit."

Ray and the Prof. talked like they knew each other well. Maine could see the ease in the way they communicate. She has never seen Prof. Tindley so relaxed before. She wonders how the two could have met and what kind of relationship they had.

Maine wondered. What could an old stickler for everything and anything have in common with someone who is so carefree?

Ray turned to her when she became quiet. "Maine?"

Maine snapped out of her reverie when she heard her name called. "What?"

"Is it true that you broke the Professor's grading curve?" Ray asked incredulously. Maine's blush said it all.

Ray slapped his hand on his knee. "So it is true!"

Prof. Tindley brandished his cane at Ray. "Idiot! Why couldn't you have taken my word for it? She is a better student than you were!"

Ray crossed his arms playfully to defend himself. "Hey I was the one who set that curve!'

Her eyes sparkled with mirth and mischief. "Oh yeah! But I broke it!" Maine teased.

Wilhelmina stood in amazement near the doorway, observing their light banter. Mr. Ray's visit is good for the Prof. It's the first time in weeks that she had seen him so relax and laughing that his eyes would disappear.

Ray noticed her at the door and called for rescue. "Willa! Help! They are ganging up on me!"

Wilhelmina flexed her muscles that only sagged. "Certainly not! Can't you see I'm no match?"

For the first time since she left Manila and lived in London, Maine felt like she was home. She felt alive and warm. For the first time in a long while, her eyes were filled with happy tears.

Aww.. why are you sad, Maine? Are you missing someone?

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Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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