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I place my mask on my face as I walk to his door. His sister has always wanted to see the ark and I knew that the masquerade dance would be the perfect opportunity. I walk up to their door, putting my hand up to knock. I knock twice before waiting for Bellamy to open the door. He opens it a little, smiling before opening it more. I slip inside as Octavia looks up.

"Hey, Clarke what's with the mask?"

"Bellamy told me that you have always wanted to see the ark. I suggested the unity day masquerade dance. Everyone will be wearing masks." I take mine off and smile at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Octavia asks.

"I wasn't sure I would be able to be there. My commander has posted me there, I'll be there the entire time and so will Clarke." Bellamy says. He smiles at her and my heart melts. I look at Octavia to see that she is smiling as Bellamy gives her a mask. She puts it on and then looks at us.

"How do I look?"

"Perfect." Bellamy holds out his hand as I get up to go to the door. "Let's go for a walk."

We leave the room walking in single file. Bellamy walks close behind me, almost touching my back. He turns to look at his sister. I can still see that he is tense, worried. I grab his hand.

"Everything will be okay." I whisper, he nods his head, still looking around.

We get to the dance to find the music blasting and kids dancing. I grab Octavia's hand and pull her into the middle. We start dancing, enjoying ourselves. I look over to see Bellamy looking at us, smiling. Octavia dances with a few other kids, letting go of everything that she has been holding in. Having fun for once in her life without having to worry about anyone finding out who she is.

As we're dancing an alarm goes off. Guards rush into the room announcing that a solar flare is close to the ark. They demand our tags and to take off our masks. I grab Octavia's hand, pulling her towards the exit when Bellamy grabs her.

"I have to get out of here, Bell." He nods and starts to pull her away. I turn as a guard approaches us. I step in front of him, trying to block his path.

"Let me pass." He demands. I know him.

"No!" I tell him. He rips off my mask.

"Clarke Griffin, what are you doing here?" He says, frowning.

He looks over my head to see Bellamy holding Octavia. I turn just as he is about to pass me. I put my foot out to trip him. He stumbles turning back to me. He takes out his shock baton, hitting me, causing me to fall to the ground. I look up to see Bellamy about to step forward. I hold up my hand as tears start to run down my cheek, shaking my head. He looks at me one more time before dragging Octavia away but he is stopped.

"Run!" He yells at her.

She runs right into guards who take off her mask and restrain her. I am too hurt from the shocks to help them. I lie on the ground watching her being taken away, yelling for Bellamy. I look behind me to see him being taken into custody. I cry for him but feel a pain go up my back. I cry out as two guards bring a stretcher, taking me to the medical centre. They lay me down on a bed as my mom comes over.

"What happened?" She says as she takes my vitals.

"I was at the dance when I was attacked because...."

"She was attacked when she helped stop an illegal child escape." Marcus Kane comes in. My father behind him.

"Who's illegal child?" My mom asks looking at dad and Kane.

"Bellamy's sister." I whisper. It hurts to talk. I double over, my stomach hurting.

"We'll talk about this later." She says, pushing me back as she smooths my hair out of my face. She looks at Kane and my dad who leave right away. I stare up at the ceiling. How could everything go so wrong, so fast.

A few months later

I walked to Bellamy's quarters. I haven't been there since the masquerade unity day. I was told that he moved to a smaller place since it's just him. I stop at the door taking a deep breath before knocking. The door slides open and Bellamy is standing their in a blue jumper suit.

"Clarke." He stares at me in disbelief. Like I'm not really here.

"Hey, can we talk?" He looks at me and then nods his head. He moves to the side and lets me in. I walk in and see only a table, kitchen unit and a bed. I turn, facing him.

"Well, what do you want?" He demands.

"First, I want to say sorry. For everything. I convinced you to bring her to the dance. I thought it would be safe. I'm sorry." I move to grab his arm but he backs up, folding his arms in front of him. "You're not the only one that lost people that day. I lost her too. She was like a sister to me."

"You lost her?" He looks at me in disbelief. "I lost my sister and my mother. I lost everything." He raises his voice, angry. I go to talk but he holds his hand up. "I know you convinced me to take her but I still went with it." He takes a breath as he walks over to the table, sitting down. He puts his heads in his hands. I sit across from him, grabbing his hand. He tries to pull away but I hold onto it with a firm grip.

"Bellamy please let me help you." I beg. He is about to say something when a knock sounds at the door. Bellamy frowns getting up. 

I watch him walk over to it. He opens it, only to get pushed out of the way as Marcus Kane and three guards rush in.

"Take her." Marcus says pointing to me. The guards walk over pulling me up and dragging me out of the room.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Bellamy says as one of the guards try to restrain him.

"This is nothing to do with you." Kane says leading me away. I turn, shouting Bellamy's name over and over. They take me down the hall to where they float people. I see people at the end and that's when I see mom and dad.

"Mom! Dad!" I try to run but the guards restrain me.

"Let her go!" Chancellor Jaha says. I run to my dad and mom. They wrap their arms around me.

"What's going on?" I step back to look at them. They look at each other and then at me.

"They found out what I was going to do." Dad says.

"No!" Guards start to take my dad but I quickly run to him.

"Be strong." He says before they put him in the chamber.

"I love you!" I shout at him as tears roll down my cheek.

A guard pulls the lever and he is floated out into space. I collapse on the floor, sobbing. Two guards step forward grabbing me, leading me away. When we turn I see Bellamy standing there. He looks down and I see tears in his eyes before I am led away.

They take me to juvenile centre. Since I am not 18 yet they put anyone under 18 here and then when 18 they review their case. If they are found guilty they are floated. They show me into a cell. I look around and see no one. I scream at the door but no one answers. No one ever answers.

Trailer for my story.

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