We Are Grounders

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Soon war begins for the 100. Clarke and Finn are captured by the grounders putting Clarke's skills is to the test. Bellamy tries to look for her, worried but can't so he goes back to camp. Murphy kills Conner and captures Jasper. Trapping him in the drop ship. Bellamy trades his life for him. Finn and her make it back to camp in one piece. Just in time for the war.

Clarke POV
Finn and I run back to the wall from the reapers cave. I stop, putting my hand on a tree, catching my breath.

"What was that?" I look at Finn.

"I don't know?"

We walk back to camp to hear people yelling. I run past Miller who is guarding the gate to see the drop ship door up. I run over to Octavia who is holding a walkie-talkie.

"Why is the door up?" She looks at me and then at the door. A gun shot fires from inside the drop ship.

"Bellamy, what was that?" She talks in the walkie. "Bellamy?"

"It was a misfire. I'm fine."

"Bellamy?" Grabbing the walkie from her.

"Clarke? You're alive." He sounds relieved.

"Ah, the princess is back just in time to see her king die." Murphy says.

"What is going on? What are you doing Murphy, we need in there? The grounders are coming."

"Well, you'll have to wait until the king is dead."

"No!" I scream as the walkie goes silent. "We need to get him out?" I turn to Octavia.

"Raven is working with Jasper to get the door open. She's under the floor right now." I nod.

"How did this happen?" I slide my hands down the side of my face.

"Jasper saw Murphy kill Conner. He tried to warn us but Murphy closed the door. Bellamy decided to do a trade. Him for Jasper. Murphy agreed. He went in and Jasper came out." Tears roll down my cheek. "He'll be alright. We'll get him out." She puts her hand around my shoulder.

A few minutes later the drop ship door opens. We run in to see Bellamy hanging from a rope made of seatbelts. Octavia and I climb up, trying to get him down. Jasper runs in, unclicking the seatbelts.

Bellamy falls down into our arms. We put him on the ground as Octavia slides the rope off his head. I turn his head, looking into his face.

"Cmon, Bellamy breathe." He takes a breath, turning over coughing. He gets on all fours before walking to the ladder.

"Murphy!" He screams up at the ladder. He's about to climb when we feel the drop ship shake and hear a huge bang.

"What was that?" We climb up the ladder. Bellamy opens the third floor latch. We climb in to see a giant hole in the middle of the wall.

"The gun powder?" I look around. "It's all gone. What do we do now?" Bellamy and I look at each other. He grabs my hand as the others leave, giving us space.

"You're alive. When you where taken. I was so worried. I thought I....." I grab his face bringing my lips up to his. He kisses me with such fierceness. I pull back staring at his face.

"I'm here. I'm alright."

"Bellamy. We need to get ready. Finn says they're coming." Jasper calls from below. He kisses me and then we climb back down. I walk out just as Raven limb's into camp. I run over with Finn.

"What happened?" I ask her as Finn puts his arm under hers.

"Murphy...he," she tries to breathe through pain. "He shot me."

We help her back into the drop ship. I roll her over and see the bullet in her back. We roll her back and I look at her. I try to help her but the bullet is in to deep. After a few hours I walk out of the drop ship. Night is falling. I see Bellamy near the wall. I walk up to him placing my hand on his shoulder. He turns his head to the side, looking at me.

"Hey, everything set." I nod.

I put my head against his shoulder. He kisses my head still looking out. I hold his shoulder's for a few moments before kissing it and walking away. Bellamy reaches out, grabbing my hand. He doesn't look at me but squeezes it.

I smile and then walk back to the drop ship. Some of the people are sitting, waiting for the attack. Jasper is helping Raven. I listen through the walkie-talkie to what is happening. Soon we hear gunfire. I hope Bellamy is fine.

The grounders break through and everyone starts running into the drop ship. I look out and see Bellamy standing a bit away. I call out to him when he is attacked by a grounder. He falls to the ground. Finn helps him shooting at grounders as he runs to him. Bellamy looks over at me. Our eyes meeting for a second before more grounders run in.

"We need to close it." Jasper says. I look at Bellamy and see him nod.

"I can't." I cry out. I'm about to run out when Miller grabs me carrying me in. Jasper closes the door and I cry, hitting Miller. The door closes. I run to the door and then I hear the thrusters start up.

"No!" I bang the door. "Bellamy! No." I slide down the door. Crying. Jasper comes over sitting beside me.

"I'm sorry, Clarke." He puts a hand on my shoulder squeezing. After the trusters are off and morning comes we open the door to find everything is ash. Bodies all over the ground covered in ash. Burned alive. I keep looking for any sign of Bellamy.

Something is thrown in, like a bomb. I step back watching as red smoke fills the area.

"What's going on?" I cough falling to the ground. Soon I see a figure in black with gas mask on. They come up with guns pointed at us. I feel sleepy, eyes closing as darkness claims me.

 I feel sleepy, eyes closing as darkness claims me

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I wake up in a white room and lights everywhere. Blinking I slowly get up. Everything is white. I see a door at the far side. Getting up I walk towards it. A circled window sits at eye level. I peer through it seeing Monty across the hall looking out his window as well. 

Fear courses through me. Wondering where I am. My eyes shift to the sign beside Monty's door. 

Mount Weather Quarantine Ward

My eyes shift back to Monty. Realization fills my mind. We're in the place Jaha wanted us to go to. The mountain that was suppose to have supplies. There are people inside the mountain.  


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