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Bellamy POV

I wake up to soft skin against mine. I smile, wrapping my arms around her. We haven't done this in a long time. Clarke starts to stir, slowly opening her eyes. She lifts her head up to look at me, smiling.

"Good morning, beautiful." I kiss her lips, bringing her head close. She smiles then pulls back. She stares at my face, smoothing her hand over my it.

"We should get up." She says sadly before sitting up.

She slides off the bed, grabbing her clothes off the floor. I lean on my elbows watching her dress. She looks over her shoulders, a huge grin across her face. Clarke leans down, kissing me after she has dressed before leaving.

I stand up, stretching. My back still hurts from the acid fog but it won't keep me down. I pull a shirt on taking few breath's through the pain before sliding my pants on. I take another deep breath before walking out of my tent.

A few people are looking at me, smiling. Some make jokes and others congratulate me, tapping me on the back. I walk over to the gate to find see Miller standing there. He is talking to Finn.

"Hey," I say. "I need your help."

"Doing what?" Miller ask's looking at me.

"When I found my sister, I also found someone else. One of those grounder's was with her. I was able to tie him up in the cave but because of the acid fog I couldn't get him right away. I need you to come with me to get him."

"Alright, I'm in." Miller says.

"Me too." Finn agrees. We grab some spears, heading out of the camp. We walk towards the cave where the grounder that has kept my sister prisoner is.

Clarke POV

I walk into the drop ship, to find Raven setting up the radio.

"Any luck." I ask her.

"No." She slams a radio down and looks at me. "In a few hours they're going to kill 300 people and we have no way to help them. I don't know what to do."

"You'll find a way. I know you will." I put my hand on her shoulder and squeeze it. She nods and then turns getting back to work.

I go outside looking for something to do. I walk over to the hut we are making for meat with some of the others. All day we work on the hut, by nightfall it is finished. After we are finished we all head to the fire to relax. Octavia and I sit around the fire, eating some boar meat.

"Where's Bellamy?" I ask her. She turns to me, looking a little confused and worried.

"I don't know, haven't seen him all day. Why?"

"I was just wondering." I take another bite when someone looks up pointing to the sky. I look up, gasping. Octavia follows my gaze.

"What is it?" She looks at me and then the sky again. "What is that?"

"Those are people." I say just as Raven walk's out of the drop ship.

"I got the radio working." She runs up to us, looking at us. "What's going on?"

"We're too late." I point to the sky, she looks up and then covers her mouth.

"No. NO!" She falls to the ground, sobbing.

Some people follow, kneeling on the ground crying, while others find comfort with each other. We stand there, watching the bodies fall to the earth. Soon the wind starts to pick up, rain falling. A storm is coming.

"Everyone get into the drop ship!" I yell.

Everyone starts to run into the drop ship. I look around to make sure everyone has made it in. I look around for Finn, Miller or Bellamy but I don't see them.

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