Day Trip

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After hours of cleaning up I walk back into the drop ship to see Raven has made progress on the radio. She has even set it up in a tent near by with a video screen so we can see the people we are talking to. I walk over to the tent to see if she needs help. Raven has just finished setting it up.

After it's all set up I sit down to talk to the council. Jaha asks me to go on a mission to find a bunker that might have supplies for winter and a possible home. I agree and call in Dax who is next to talk to his family.

I walk into Finn's tent. "Hey." He smiles at me and Raven who is beside him smiles back as well.

"How's your wound doing?" I check the bandage and see that everything is fine. Raven walks out to get some water.

"Clarke, I love you." Finn says after she leaves. I stare at him and then look down.

"Finn I can't. I can't do this." I look up and then Raven walks in. "Everything looks good."

"Great." Raven smiles.

"I'll be out of camp for a few hours. The ark has something they want me to check out." I walk out of his tent and into the drop ship to find Octavia and Bellamy arguing. I grab my pack and walk over to pack a few things in it.

"He is not a monster. You can't just keep him locked up." She says.

"I can and I will. You are not allowed up there." I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He turns and looks at me. "Do you need something?"

"I need to go check something out for the council and want to know if you want to come with me?"

"Why? I thought you didn't agree with me?"

"I don't, at least not with the grounder situation but I'm not completely pissed at you right now."

"I'll get my bag." He looks at Octavia and then walks out. I turn to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey. It will be alright." She shrugs my hand off and starts to walk out before turning and looking at me.

"I'm the one that saved Finn you know. You watched him torture him. You could have stopped Bellamy. Then maybe we wouldn't have hurt an innocent man." She storms out and I sigh before walking out. I meet Bellamy at the gate and walk out into the forest.

Bellamy POV

Clarke and I leave the camp walking in silence,. I keep glancing at her, wondering what she is thinking about. I keep thinking about the kiss. How before I brought the grounder here everything was perfect. I shouldn't have gone after him. But I wanted answers and revenge.

I walk beside her but I feel like I'm miles away. We walk for a few miles till we get to what look like's a field. We walk slowly through the long grass. Some pushed down by animals or people. Before us are outlines of what use to be houses. My eyes travel over them, wondering what it would have been like. I finally turn looking at Clarke.

"We should split up." She nods walking in one direction. I walk through the field, looking around. I see burnt wood all over the place. I throw wood and rocks out of my way when she calls.

"I found it!" I run over to see her struggling with a door.

"Here let me." I say, I take out my axe, banging it against the lock.

I break through the lock, throwing it away. I look at her before putting my hand on the door. She puts hers beside mine helping me pull it open. We look down the dark stairs and then at each other. Clarke walks down first with me following. When I get there I see damage and bodies. Water is all over floor and is leaking through the roof. Won't be able to use this for a home.

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