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Clarke POV

After having a rest at the house and finding a grounder we return to the lab with him. Mom has found a way to use Luna's blood. She'll inject the man with it and put him in the radiation chamber. I watch them put him in. Soon they turn it on but as we watch I see that it is not working. Soon he explodes in it, dying.

"It didn't work." Someone whispers. I turn and walk up the stairs to the office. I grab the radio and turn it one.

"Bellamy." I call into it. I hear static and then his voice.

"Clarke." I smile. "It's so good to hear your voice."

"I miss you."

"I do too."

"How's things there?" I hear him cry. "Bellamy, what its it?"

"I let Mark and Peter die. They where part of the 100. They were trapped by the rain and I couldn't get to them."

"Bellamy it's not your fault. You tried." I say wishing I could hold him, comfort him.

"Kane said that but you saying it makes me feel better."

"Bellamy everything we have done is to save our people but we cannot save everyone. I know we wish we could but we can't. Why do you think I left after Mount Weather. I believed that I was at fault for what we did but I realize now that we did everything we could to save our people, our friends. So please know that this is not your fault."

He cries into the radio and I push the button again. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'll see you soon." The radio turns off and I hear a commotion downstairs. I open the door to the office and hear Murphy yelling.

"You can't. Please don't take her."

"What's happening?" I ask running down to the bottom floor of the lab.

"They want to use Emori as a test subject."

"Why?" I ask looking at them.

"We have found a way that might work. If we take Luna's blood and remove an element we believe that it will work." Mom says.

"No. I won't let you use my blood to kill anyone else." Luna says.

"It won't kill anyone it will save everyone." She looks at Luna. I turn to Murphy as they drag him into the lunch pad where the rocket is. Emori tries to run after them but they stick her with a reaper stick. She goes limb in Miller's body. He carries her over to the table, lying her on it.

"I'm begging you, please. I love her. Don't do this." They close the doors as Murphy screams at us. I look at my mom as they place Luna on the table too.

"So you're gonna strap her down and take her bone marrow? Welcome to Mount Weather." Raven says walking past us. I look at her and then my mom.

"Is this the right thing to do?"

"We have to in order to survive." She says. Mom precedes with the bone marrow treatment. She takes out her blood and starts doing the experiment. Once done she goes up to Emori, her hands shaking as she holds the needle over her arm. I walk over to her, grabbing her hand.

"I'll finish it. You've done enough." She nods handing me the needle. I hold the needle looking at Emori. Thinking of what Murphy said. That he loved her. Would I let them do this if it was Bellamy? He would never let this be done to me if he was here.

"I bare it so they don't have to." I take the needle and put it into my self.

"Clarke, no." Jackson says. I press the topper and the blood goes into me.

"Clarke what are you doing?" Mom looks at me, scared.

"Where testing me." I look at them and then walk towards the radiation chambers. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Clarke no. I won't let you." Mom says.

"It will work. I'll be fine."

"No." She whispers and then runs over to the radiation machine. She grabs a rod and hits it breaking the glass. We stare at her as she hits it over and over. She turns around after tears falling down her cheek. She tries to speak but can't. I walk over to her putting my arms around her.

"I can't lose you." She cries into my arms I hold her and look at everyone. The last hope we had is gone.

We pack up and get ready to leave. Everyone disappointed. Murphy is relieved that Emori is alright. While we wait for the boat to be loaded up he comes up beside me.

"Thank you." He says looking at me. "I heard you took it for her."

"I couldn't let anyone else die." He squeezes my arm and walks over to where Emori's standing. We get onto the boat watching as Emori and Murphy wave at us from the shore. Mom hasn't talked to me since that moment. Still upset that I would sacrifice myself. I can't tell Bellamy what I did but I'll have to. We get to shore and I see the rover waiting with the one person I'm happy to see. He gets out of the rover and walks over to us. I run to him as he catches me in his arms.

"I am so glad to see you." He kisses my head. "We've found something."

"What is it?" I stare up at him.

"A soultion. Kane and Jaha found a bunker in Polis. It can fit all our people and Triku people. They made an alliance with them since Indra was their when they found it."

"What about Roan and his people? I made a deal with him."

"Sometimes we need to break those deals to save our people." My mom says walking past us. I look at her and then at Bellamy. He kisses my head and then leads me to the rover. We get in and drive to Polis. To our new home.

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