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Clarke POV

"She's gone." 

"She couldn't have gone far." He looks around. "Come on." He takes my hand. We rush to the bunker, hoping she came here. I rush down the stairs into the fighting pit. 

As we rush in I spot her at the bottom with Octavia. 

"Madi!" I yell as warriors stop us. 

"O, stop!" Bellamy yells.

"Let her through." Octavia says. I run down the slope, slowing as I reach the bottom. 

"Now we bind ourself in blood. You are Wonkru." She says to Madi as they join their cut hands. Tears form in Madi's eyes but she doesn't let them fall. I run up to her grabbing her. I take her hand, looking over it.

"What do you think you're doing?" I scold her. 

"It's okay Mama. I came to Auntie O and asked her to do this." She looks at Octavia then back at me.

"Why?" I wrap her hand with some cloth.

"I heard you and Auntie O talking about how there are people who might want me to be Heda. You told me about Lexa and that she was a great Heda. I don't want to be Heda or a leader." I kneel down, placing my hands on her shoulders. "I thought if I joined Wonkru then it would keep us all safe." I see how she only wanted to help. She thought she was doing the right thing, protecting us all. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you mama. I thought I was helping." 

"It's alright. I'm not mad." I stand up looking at Octavia. "You should have told me." I glare at her.

"Come on Madi." Bellamy calls. I let Madi slip out of hands. I watch her rush to Bellamy before looking at Octavia. 

"You had no right to let her join Wonkru."

"She came to me." She steps forward. "Wanting to protect you all." She moves her mouth close to my ear. "After all, who will protect her when her parents betray her." She steps back smirking. I frown walking up the slope. 

Bellamy and Madi are waiting outside the door. I walk pass them, angry. 

"Clarke!" Bellamy calls. I am so angry with Octavia. I knew we should have left when we had the chance. 

Bellamy finally catches up grabbing my arm. I face him seeing the concern on his face.

"I know she betrayed you but she was just trying to protect Madi."

"From us." I state. He frowns looking down at Madi. 

"Go on." He urges Madi before straightening up. "What do you mean?" He folds his arms in front of his chest. 

"Before I left Octavia told me she would protect her even after her parents betrayed her. She believes we will hurt her just like she was hurt." 

He takes a deep breath wiping a hand over his face before looking at me. "I can't believe she would say that."

"She thinks we will betray her giving her no choice but to protect Madi. Be her guardian." I look away, feeling angry that I let her back in. 

"Nothing is going to happen to us." He takes my arms. I look at him remembering similar words being said before Praimfaya. 

"We said those words to each other once and look what happened. Six years apart." Tears fill my eyes. I shake my head trying to push them back. "I tried to push you aside." I look at him. "Tried to tell myself that things would be different when you came down. That we couldn't just pick up were we left off. That we both would have changed. I was right. We both changed and moved on. You have Echo and the others...."

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