I Still Care About You

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I hear Raven's words but I don't believe it. 

"No, I thought with us gone they had time. They can't."

"They thought the same but turned out it didn't matter. That's why I came down. I was suppose to radio back but with out the radio..." I look at her waiting for the words that could sentence all those people to die. "They're all dead." I stare at her and then I hear someone coming through the bush. I look up to find Bellamy and Octavia run through the bushes.

"Clarke! We need help." Octavia yells at me as Bellamy collapses on the ground. Octavia falls to his side, smoothing his hair back.

"What happened?" I kneel on the other side of him.

"Acid fog. We where walking back when it came out of no where. We made it to a cave but not before the fog hit. Bellamy blocked it from getting to me. It hit his back. He said he was fine but he isn't." I look down and put my hand to his chest. His breathing is shallow.

"We need to get him back to camp." I look at Finn. "Finn I need you to go back to camp and get help. Please." I look into his eyes and he nods. He looks at Raven and then runs out of the clearing.

I look back down at Bellamy. "Octavia help me roll him on the side." We roll him on his side. He moans but doesn't wake. Octavia shushes him, rubbing his face. I pull his shirt back, to find blisters all over his back. "We need to get the shirt off."

We sit him up. Raven comes over and helps us hold him up. I pull his shirt off and then lay it on the ground. We put him on his stomach, head on the shirt. I take out my water pouch and pour water on some of my shirt that I rip. I rub the shirt across his back. He moans again but Octavia smooths her hand over his head.

"It's alright. Clarke will take care of you. I'll take care of you." She whispers to him. I look at her and our eye's meet. People come into the clearing. Finn and Miller walk over carrying a stretcher. They lower the stretcher beside him. We gather on either side, holding onto him.

"Carefully now. On 3. 1, 2, 3." We lift him, stomach touching the stretcher. Octavia puts his shirt under his head. Finn and Miller pick the stretcher up, carrying him out of the clearing. I look back at Raven and Octavia before following them back to camp.

"When we get back to camp. If you need people to help you bring anything back to help contact the ark. Just ask. I'm sure Finn can help you organize a group."

"Okay. Thanks Clarke." She takes my arm and squeezes it. I smile at her before turning back to the path ahead.

"Put him in the drop ship." I tell Finn and Miller. We walk into the drop ship, I rush ahead clearing a table. They place the stretcher on it. They look at him before walking out of the ship. Octavia comes up beside us. I take some of the clothes I made and tell Octavia to get water. She comes back with a bowl of water. I dip a cloth in it smoothing it across his back. He moans again in pain.

"Shh. You'll be alright." I wipe the cloth across his head that is facing me.

"Clarke." He whispers, his eyes opening slightly before falling asleep. I wash his back. I haven't see him naked in a long time. Not since that night back on the ark.

A year ago on the ark

Bellamy and I are sitting on my bed. My mom is in surgery and my dad is working a late shift. It's just us. He moves his lips down my neck. I giggle when he gets to my shoulder. He smooths his hands over me. I move my hands to his shirt pulling it up. He breaks the kiss to let me take his shirt off. He smiles and helps me remove my own shirt.

He stares at me before bringing his lips back to mine. His hands roam up and down my body. He leans us back so I am lying on my bed with him on top. He trails kisses up and down my body till he comes back up to my. First he kisses my neck then he goes up to my ear.

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