42 Days Later

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Clarke POV

I push a rock through the hole I have made. I push my body up and look around before grabbing my backpack I made. I put it on and turn to see sand everywhere. The water is gone. I put a hand to my stomach that is finally starting to show.

"Just you and me little one." 

I look out and then make my way across what use to be the ocean. I come across a huge pile of sand where I know the rover once stood. I brush my hand across it and see that I was right. I dig out the rover and soon climb in making my way across the land. Their is nothing but sand. I drive to Arkadia first and see nothing but a pile of metal. I walk through till I find what I could use as a satellite shield. Maybe I can contact them. I'm not very hopeful but you never know. Once made, I hook it to the radio from Becca's lab. 

I take a deep breath before holding it up and pressing the button. Sitting on the rover I look around wondering what's the point. Rubbing my stomach I open my mouth. 

"What's the point in living if all there is is pain and suffering?" I shake my head. "Real cheerful Clarke. Ignore me okay. Haven't had water in two days. I need to find some soon f I don't get some soon..." I let go of the button. If I don't get some soon the baby and I won't make it. 

"Anyway I doubt you can hear me on this piece of crap radio. God I hope you can hear me because if you can't then all I'm doing is talking to air. But in case this is the last time I want you to know...please don't feel bad about leaving me. You did the right thing, I'm proud of you." Tears fill my eyes. 

I crawl back into the rover as darkness falls. Lying in the back I stare at the box in the corner. I grab it, opening it. Inside is a letter for Monty from Jasper. I move it to the side pulling out Jaspers googles and an iPod that use to be Maya's. I stare at, old feelings returning. She helped us only for us to betray her by killing her. 

I set it aside as more tears fall. That night I sob myself to sleep. The next day I drive to Polis hoping to find the bunker. Maybe I can get in so I won't be alone. I place my hand on my stomach. So we won't be alone.

I drive into Polis, parking the rover near some rubble. Getting out I stare at the destruction before me. The tower that once stood, that could be seen for miles now lays before me, destroyed. I climb onto top of it staring out. Taking a deep breath I walk down through the rubble. Pushing loose rocks out of the way. 

I find the area of the bunker, pushing rocks out of the way. Once I make a hole I climb through banging on the door with a small rock.

"Mom. I'm up here. Please!" I yell banging the rock against the door. 

I finally stop, tears falling down my cheek. I can't do it. I cant get in which means their trapped. How will they get out in five years if I can't get in now? I lean against a rock and soon feel rocks fall on me. I quickly get out of there watching as the rocks fall over the hole. I stare at the covers hole. Now they're really trapped and I'm all alone.

I finally get up walking over to the rover.I climb inside, crying myself to sleep. The next morning I drive away from Polis. I find some dead tree's that had been burned from Priamfaya. It is so hard to think. The pain from hunger gnawing at me. 

As I drive something hits the windshield. I quickly stop realizing that it isn't rain. I get out looking at the windshield. Dead bugs are splattered all over the window. I grab one putting it in my mouth. It may be gross but it tastes good since I haven't eaten in a long time. I stuff some more in my mouth and then make my way back into the rover. 

I drive off till I come upon a dust storm. I stop the rover and quickly put the windows up when I realize the solar panels will get destroyed. I climb out trying to get one off but it flies away in the wind. I climb back into the rover, waiting for the storm to end. When it does I get out to see the solar panels are destroyed. I look around before grabbing my backpack out the passenger side. I sling it onto my shoulders, walking off. I walk through dirt and sand. Starvation and thirst taking over me.

Finally I collapse on the ground. Blacking out.

I wake up to something tapping me. Opening my eyes I see bird tapping it's peak against me. I push it away making it fly over a sand hill. I call to it running after it hoping it will take me to where it lives. I climb up the hill only to see more sand. I try to move forward when I trip rolling down the hill. I land on my back, the air knocked out of me. 

I roll onto my knees screaming towards the sky.  "I'm Done! Do you hear me? I've had enough." Tears stream down my burnt cheeks. "I've lost my love. My friends. My mom. My dad. I've lost everyone." I grab the gun in the holster around my waist putting it to my head. 

I'm about to shoot myself when I hear the bird again above me. I follow it again over another hill stopping when I come to a valley that is green. Tree's, rivers below me. I smile as the bird lands on a branch. 

"Thank you." I hold up my gun, shooting the bird. My first true meal in days. I pick int up making a fire to roast it over. 

Once my belly is full I make my way into the valley. I place my hand on my stomach hoping that after I fell the baby is alive. As I walk I come to a field of flowers. I put my hand out, touching and smelling them. This feels like a dream. That I will wake up in the sane dying of starvation. 

I come to a river, staring at the clear water. Smiling I take off my clothes and get in. The water feels refreshing. I push my hair out of my face as I walk out of the water. I sit on the rocks letting the sun dry my skin. I stare up wondering if Bellamy heard me. 

Once dried I put my clothes back on making my way through the forest. I walk on finding a village. Shadow Valley Clan. I walk into the village staring at the different buildings, all unique. I walk into the largest one only to stop when I see the pile of people all daed from radiation. 

Children, men, woman all dead. The fire might have jumped over the valley but the radiation didn't. I build a fire big enough to burn all the bodies. Standing here, watching them burn I can't but feel guilty. Guilty that I lived and they didn't.

A flutter fills my stomach. I place my hand on it, looking down. 

"We'll be okay, little one." I look back into the fire. "One way or another." 

A few days later I sit at a table eating berries. I grab the radio and hold the button.

"Bellamy. I don't know why I do this. I bet you can't hear me but it does keep me sane. This land I found is amazing. Fresh water. A few animals and berries to live on. The river is stocked with fish. Everything I need to survive. Its like the death wave jumped over the valley. Its so green. I hope you come down one day and see it." I turn the radio off and make my way to my room.

I put my hand to my stomach as the flutter fills me again. My smile. This child is strong. Laying back I think of Bellamy. He would believe it was because of me. I wish he was here.

"One day your father will come home and he will love you so much." I rub my belly falling asleep. Dreaming of Bellamy.

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