The List

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Bellamy POV

We arrive back in Arkadia to find our people hard at work. Like nothing has happened. Clarke and I make our way to Raven and Monty. We find them in front of computers checking data.

"Hey." She says as we walk in.

"Thank you for sending that message." Clarke says hugging her.

"I'm glad it worked."

"What did you find?" I ask moving to the computers.

"I found that A.L.I.E is right. Radiation levels have been rising for a long time we just didn't notice." She shows us a radiation meter. "The yellow is fine for us but if it hits red."

"We're all dead." I say looking at them and then at Clarke.

"What do we do? Can we stop it?"

"No we can't. We need to find a place that can hold us for however long it takes for the radiation to die down." Monty is looking up as Raven talks to us. I look at him wondering what he is doing.

"Monty what are you looking at?"

"When we where in space. There was tones of radiation. The ark was designed to keep out that amount of radiation."

"What are you saying?" Clarke steps up beside me.

"We're standing in our viable solution."

"The ark. Why didn't I think about that." Raven jumps into a seat and starts typing. "We just need to get prepared. Get supplies." She turns in her seat and faces us. "The only way this will work is if we tell everyone. Crowd source it. Allow our people to help find solutions." I look at Clarke and see her face. I grab her hand.

"No. Not yet. Let them settle back in and then well tell them. Okay?" She nods and I look down at Clarke who is staring into nothing. We walk out of the room back to our bedroom. I sit her down on the bed and pull her close.

"How can I tell them that they might die again?"

"I don't know but you have to, eventually just not today." She nods and snuggles into my chest. I hold her close thinking of everything that is going on. What a mess everything has turned out to be. I put my hand to Clarke's flat stomach.

"I hope you are strong little one. Your going to need to be." I whisper. I lay down with Clarke and soon we fall asleep. Holding onto what hope we have left.

Clarke POV

The next week is busy. Bellamy leads a mission to get a water source but comes up empty handed. He brings back more of our people that had been prisoners of the Ice Nations. I finally decided to tell everyone. Raven was right we need help. Everyone was eager to help. They got to work right away and soon the ark was getting finished.

Mom is back from Polis. I'm so glad that she is back to help. I sit in med room waiting for someone, in case they need me. I walk out of the med room to find Bellamy and Raven fighting outside the office.

"We're not talking about this again. Clarke has told you no. That she wasn't going to do it."

"Without a list, who gets to live and die? What happens when we need to lock out our people?"

"I don't know but I'm not making her do it." He walks away and I see Raven walk the other way. I hide from them before following Bellamy outside. I run after him only to find him dragging Jaha out of the Rover.

"What do you think your doing?"

"I need the rover." Jaha says looking at Bellamy.

"What's going on?" I ask coming up to them.

"I think I know a way to save all our people." We look at him before I see Raven run up to us.

"We need the rover for supplies. What are you doing?" She ask, mainly looking at Jaha.

"I believe I found a place that could allow us all to survive in."

"No. We need that rover for supply runs." She says. I grab her arm turning her to look at me.

"I know you do but if he is right then we don't need to fix the ark. I'll tell you what, if it turns out to be a bad idea and nothing is there. I'll make the list." She looks at me before nodding.

"Alright." She says before walking back in.

"Get in, I'm driving." We climb in as Bellamy gets in the drivers side. Bellamy turns on the rover before driving it out of camp. Jaha brings a tablet out to show us what where looking for. It's videos of an end of the world speech. A cult called the Four Horsemen. It's dark when we arrive to the mountains. We climb out and look around.

"What are we looking for again?" Clarke ask's.

"I believe that they built their bunker at the lowest point. An underground bunker. Their would be stairs or a slope."

"Keep your eyes sharp." Bellamy call's out. I walk a little ways when i hear them talking.

"She's lucky to have you. Leadership is a lonely pursuit. But you keep her centred."

"You have it the other way round." I laugh into my hand before stumbling upon a staircase leading down.

"Hey, I think I found it." They run over and look down. Bellamy descends the stairs holding his flashlight out. We climb down to find a door. Jaha picks up a disk with a symbol of VI, eleven on the back.

"Eleven. Their leader said they needed to get to twelve to be holy."

"I guess that's why he's not in here." I saying then look at the door. "How do we get to open?"

"The rover." We nod and then tie a robe to the door from the rover. Bellamy puts the rover into reverse and drives back pulling the door. Finally the door gives way. We climb in and stop.

"Oh no." I say. Bellamy cracks a glow stick.

"This is defiantly not a good place."

"They would have died within days." I say and then look at Bellamy. I guess I get to make the list. We make our way back up and climb into the rover. Bellamy grabs my hand squeezing it before driving off. When we get back to camp I walk to the office. I hear Bellamy following me. When we get their he sits on the couch and the lies down. Soon he is asleep. I sit at the desk and pull out a piece of paper. I start to write the numbers and then the names. I put down children, engineers, doctors. People that will make it better. When I get to 99 tears fall down my cheek. i look at Bellamy.

99. Bellamy Blake

I write down and then look away from a 100. I can't do it but I know I should. Bellamy wakes up and walks over to me. He looks down at the paper.

"If I'm on that list, your on that list."

"Bellamy, I can't..." Tears fall down my cheeks. He takes the pen from me and leans over the paper.


He writes more tears fall down my eyes. He puts the pen down and kneels in front of me. Hands on my knees.

"Now what?"

"We put it away and hope we never use it." I look at him as he brushes the tears away.

"You still have hope."

"We still breathing." He smiles and then leans up to kiss me. He pulls back and I take the paper folding it in half. I open a draw and slide it in. He grabs my hand and we walk out of the room back to our own to get some sleep. I lie in his arms thinking of a better world. I wish the world wasn't like this that we could live in peace but we don't. I close my eyes and let darkness take me.

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