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Bellamy POV

I wake up in the hole but no one is there. I get up and walk up the stairs into the forest. I try to run but my leg hurts from where that warrior cut me. I struggle through the forest till I hear footsteps behind me. I look to see the others running towards me. I try to walk but fall against a tree. Monty comes up beside me.

"Bellamy, what happened?"

"I almost had her." I look to see Kane eyeing me.

"Can you find the trail?" Kane looks at Pike.

"He knows he's being followed. It's to late." I start to walk forward but Monty stops me.

"Bellamy no. You can't your hurt."

"I have to find her."

"I know but look at your leg, you could die out there."

"I can't lose Clarke!" I scream at him. "We cannot lose her." I whisper.

"Will find her, I promise but first lets look after you." I look at him and then at the forest. I nod and Monty helps me hobble out of the forest towards the rover. It's a long walk towards the rover but it gives me time to think about how much I really need her. Gina has been great but deep inside she is it for me. I have just been waiting for her to come home. We were so close. 

Clarke POV

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Clarke POV

Roan drags me out of the underground cave. I turn back looking at Bellamy. He tried. Tried to save me. To bring me home. I face forward praying the others will find him. Roan drags me through the forest. He slow's down after a while. Finally he stops. I stare at confused when he puts a bag over my head. I struggle, scared of where he is taking me. 

As we walk I soon realize the scenery has changed. I hear people, see shadows pass by me as we make our way. Roan stops talking to someone. I listen as he speaks in Trigedasleng. Where are we? We stop walking and I hear a door open, we walk through and stop. He turns me and soon we are moving. The floor is moving up. We are on an elevator. An elevator that is going high. Finally it stops. Roan drags me out through another door. He pushes me down, ripping the sack off. 

I blink a few times till I get use to the light. I see throne before me with someone sitting on it. I can't make out who.

"You were suppose to bring her unharmed." I know that voice. Lexa.

"She didn't make it easy."

"She wouldn't." Lexa stands up and moves towards me. I look up at her as she removes the gage. I glare at her, remembering that she abandoned us in mount weather. She speaks again but I don't listen. Soon the everyone in the room leaves. I look up and Lexa comes around to undo the robe around my hands. I stand up, still glaring at her.

"Why am I here?" I spit out.

"Your here so I can protect you. You were being hunted so I helped you. I saved you."

"You know when I needed saving. In mount weather. When I killed all those people. That is when I needed saving." I scared at her. Soon guards come through the door and drag me away as I scream at her.

"You left us to die! I hope you die!" I yell. 

The doors close in front of me as I'm dragged out of the room

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The doors close in front of me as I'm dragged out of the room. They take me down the hallway to another room. They practically throw me in the room. I put my hands out to brace the fall. I land on my knees and fall slowly to the floor. I look up at the guards as they close the door. 

I stand up brushing the dirt off my hands and knees. I look around the room to see an old couch that has been patched up to many timers, a chair with a small, wood table beside it. A large bed is in the middle with wood frame. I walk over and sit down on the furs that cover the bed. I put my hands over my face and sigh. Across the room is a table with clothes on it. I look at it ignoring it before walking onto the balcony.

I stare out at Polis. Seeing the beauty of this place but I can't take it in. Lexa didn't kill me so why am I here? What does she want from?

I lean against the stone closing my eyes. Taking deep breaths I start to remember that Bellamy is out there, hurt. Opening my eyes I stare pass the city towards the trees.

"Where are you?" I whisper.

Bellamy POV

Octavia and I sit on the door leading into Mount Weather. I have been benched for my stunt. Kane doesn't trust me after what happened at Sector 8 or on the field with Clarke. He has a right to be mad but still. I take a deep breath wondering where she is. If she is alright. 

Kane and Abby left for Polis. Lexa called them to the coalition to make an alliance. I hope that this alliance will help us find Clarke.

"How's your leg?" She ask's breaking the silence. I look down at the leg then back at her.

"Getting better."

"That's good. Will Kane let you go on missions soon?" She asks.

"I don't think so. He doesn't trust that I'll use the right judgment. Not after what I did." I look forward.

"Well find her. I promise. I heard Kane wanted you to go to Polis, why didn't you?"

"I couldn't. I can't face their commander after she abandon us." Octavia nods and grabs my hand.

"We'll find her." I nod but don't meet here eyes. 

I finally put my arm around her pulling her close.  Soon we see some farm station guards come through. They are holding a grounder. I jump down, Octavia behind me.

"What's going on?"

"We found her to close to the mountain." They bring her head up and I see it's Echo. 

"Echo. Let her go." I look at the guards. Octavia stares at me confused, wondering how I know her. "She was in the mountain with me." Octavia nods her head. She tells the guards to release her. They back up, hesitant. I walk up to her untying her hands. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to warn you that the summit your people went to is a trap. They're all going to die."

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