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Clarke POV

I help Jackson with the wounded. After everyone is checked we take a break sitting on some stone's. He hands me some food that I take without questions.

"Thanks." I smile putting some in my mouth. "Feels good to help again. Been awhile."

"Could have used you in the bunker, Clarke?"

"You had my mom." He looks away from me. "What is it?" He looks back at me.

"Clarke, your mom..."

"Jackson." Miller calls. Jackson gets up and walks over to him.

"You're leaving then." He nods. Jackson leans forward and kisses him. I look away smiling that they both found love. I turn back to see Miller leaving a backpack on. I stand up and follow him.

"Miller, wait." He doesn't stop. He walks around a building when I catch up to him. I grab his arm turning him to face me. "Where are you going?" He looks down at me and then I know. "You're going to the valley." I march past him.

"Clarke wait." Miller manages to get pass me, stopping me.

"Get out of my way, Miller." I glare at him.

"What's going on?" Bellamy steps up beside me. 

"Wish I could tell you, Bellamy." Miller glares at him.

"They're going to the valley." I say.

"Octavia told you not to tell us, right?" He looks at me and then Bellamy. While Bellamy and him glare at each other I walk past him to where Octavia is. I find her in a building with a few of her warriors. I walk in only to get stopped by one.

"Get back." One speaks.

"Octavia, I know where your going?"

"You do then you won't stand in my way." She says turning to face me.

"I know these lands, do you?" I look at her. "I have traveled them thousands of times. Let me help." I feel Bellamy come up behind me.

"O, listen to her."

"Bloodrenia shouldn't have to listen to you, not after what you did." A warrior yells out.

"Enough." Octavia looks at me and then nods. I move pass her warriors to a map.

"I see you want to go the sea route," I look up at her. "You can't."

"Why not?" Indra ask's, stepping up closer.

"After Priamfaya it became a hot spot for sandstorms. Sandstorms that are so unpredictable." I look at them.

"We have the tents, it should be fine." Indra says.

"Yes they would work for normal sandstorms but these aren't. Priamfaya crystallized some of the sand. If you went out there during a storm. The sand would cut you to shreds." I look at Octavia who I can tell is listening to every word I say.

"The sea route is six days. The other path would add two days. We only have rations for seven." A warrior comes up beside me. I look at her and then at Octavia.

"I'm telling you if you go out into those sands and a storm comes up. We're all dead."

"How do we know there won't be sandstorms on the longer routes?" Indra speaks up.

"Enough. We're doing this. The hydro-farm is barely feeding us now. So if this the last living valley then it should be ours." Octavia says.

"Diyoza believes the same thing." Bellamy speaks up. I look up at him and see that he is worried.

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