Feel My Pain

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Bellamy POV-A Week Ago

A knock sounds at my door. I open it to find commander Shumway.

"Commander." I say letting him in.

"I see you moved."

"Well that is what happen's when your sister gets arrested and mother floated. You get downgraded. Why are you here?"

"I thought you would like to know that tomorrow your sister and the women you love are going to the ground."

"What? The grounds not safe. You have to stop them."

"I can't but you can." He hands me something, I look down to see a gun. "If you shoot the chancellor, I'll get you onto that drop ship." I look down at the gun and then at him. If I do this, I'm a murderer but if I don't then I lose my sister and Clarke. I look up at him and nod.

"I'll do it." He smiles at squeezes my shoulder before handing me a guards uniform.

"You'll need this to get past." He hands me a guards uniform and then leaves. I close my door and lock it. I set the uniform on the table and look at the gun. Can I really do this? Shoot the chancellor?

Yes I can. He floated my mom. Locked up my sister. Locked up Clarke and killed her father. I can do this and I will.

The next day

I walk down the hall in the guards uniform, gun behind my shirt. I walk up to the door and use the card that Shumway gave me. I open the door and see the chancellor behind his desk.

"Yes, can I help you?" He looks at me, standing up.

"This is for everyone I loved." I point my gun at him, pulling the trigger. 

Chancellor Jaha falls back against his chair holding his stomach. I watch him bleed before turning around and walking out. I look around to make sure not one is near before heading to the ship. I continue to wal forward, stopping when I see Abby. I duck my head, walking pass her, straight into the ship. I find a seat on the bottom. Strapping myself in, getting ready to go down to the ground.


I sit by the fire, staring into the flames. Clarke and Finn kissed. I shouldn't care but I do. Shaking my head my face moves to her tent. Slowly standing up I make my way there when someone alerts me. 

I turn as two boys bring in a body. I quickly rush over only to stop as I stare down at Wells Jaha. Kneeling down I place my hand to my mouth. Never liked the kid but he was Clarke's friend. Kept our secret when we were on the ark. Was always there for her. I look back at her tent wondering what she will say when she see's this. How she will feel. 

I tell the boys to start digging a hole. Standing up I make my way to her tent, preparing to tell her the worst news she is about to receive. 

Clarke POV

I toss and turn. Nightmares of the pass haunting me. I start to shake only to realize that someone is shaking me. I open my eyes turning to see Bellamy leaning over me. 


"Somethings happened." He says sadly. I stare into his eyes. Already knowing what has happened. "It's Wells."

I rush out grabbing my jacket. Looking around I spot him lying on the ground, a few people standing around him. Pushing pass the people I kneel down beside him, tears falling down my cheeks. 

"How?" I ask him, knowing he's standing behind me. 

"We don't know. He was found outside the wall. Could be the grounders." He says. I wipe the tears away as four boys come over. Bellamy helps them bring him outside the wall. 

I follow them, watching as they place them in the ground. Once buried Bellamy leaves me, squeezing my shoulder before walking back into camp. I kneel down in front of the newly dug grave. Wishing it could have been me and not him. He was too good. This should have never happened. 

I finally realized who he was hiding from me. The only other person to know about the oxygen was my mother. She turned my father in. She got him floated. If it wasn't for her my father would be alive and we would still be on the ark or maybe we would all be on the earth together. I guess we'll never know. 

"Hey." I turn to see Finn walking up beside me. "You miss him."

I stare at him and then at the grave.

"He let me hate him. I figured out who was behind my father's arrest." I look at him. I look back at the grave. "He was a better friend than I have been. My mother killed my father. I just wish there was something I could do. To tell her I know. Make her feel what I'm...."" I turn walking back to the camp.

"Where are you going?" I hear Finn call.

"To make her feel it." 

I walk into the ship to find Monty working on some wrist bands. I tell him to take mine. This will show my mother that she can't protect me anymore. He gets it off without recking the wiring. I stare down it knowing the impact it will have. She will think I've died and blame herself. She finally know what it feels like to lose someone you love. She will feel my pain.

 She will feel my pain

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