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Clarke POV

The next few days are hard. People find the list and stop working. They think that they deserve to live if they are not on the list. I understand their frustration but it's just so hard. Hard that I had to make those decisions in the first place. I walk through the halls trying to find work. Bellamy is out on a hunting trip, he should be back soon. I miss him. He keeps me sane.

Mom and the others have made a trip to Becca's lab on the Island to find a cure using Luna. She is a night-blood who came here with her people. Unfortunately they all died. I walk into the medical room to find Monty coming out.

"Hey, any word on Bellamy?" I ask him.

"Yeah. We got word an hour ago." He looks down. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you but they're gone." He says and then walks away. I look at him walking away. Where is he?

I walk outside only to see a man bringing Octavia in. The guards let him through.

"Octavia." I say running up to him.

"I found her in the woods. She's really hurt." I nod and lead him to medical. I get to work fixing Octavia. Niylah has been helping us by bring supplies to us. She walks in and helps me. I sew Octavia up. She wakes up and grabs my arm.

"Octavia it's alright. Your safe."

"Azgeda is coming." I look at her as she falls sleep and then at the others. Azgeda is coming to destroy us.

Bellamy POV

I wake up to fire light. I am lying in the same cell I was in just a few weeks ago. Kane sits a little ways from me. I sit up rubbing my head.

"Are you alright?" He ask's. I nod and look around.

"No matter what we do we always end up here."

"Abby is at the Island she'll find a cure. Octavia will warn the others. Everything will be fine." I look down. "Hey, we will get through this. We always do." I look up at him and nod when the door opens. Roan and Echo walk in with their warriors behind them.

"On your feet." Echo says. We stand up looking at them. I glare at her.

"What are you doing?" Kane ask's.

"Taking you home." Roan says.

"Octavia will get their first. She'll will warn them your coming. You'll lose." I say spitting it out at them. Roan looks at Echo who then throws Octavia's sword on the ground.

"No." I whisper as I stare at the sword on the ground.

"She wouldn't be taken alive." Roan says. I look up at him and then turn around grabbing the bars behind me.

"I am sorry." Roan says.

"It was a good death." Echo says.

"No!" I scream over and over till they drag me away. They put a sack on my head and lead me out. The tears stain the sack as they drag us home. We walk on dragged behind warriors. We stop and wait. I hear Roan talking but can't understand what he is saying.

"Bring the prisoners." He says. I'm dragged forward and then kicked down. They pull the sack off my head and I blink at the light. When I look up I see Clarke in the rocks standing there. I smile and then look at Kane.

"What is it?" He ask's.

"They were warned." I smile at him. He nods.

"We need to talk." Clarke says.

"The time for talking is over."

"We have more bullets then your men. You'll lose."

"Maybe we'll both lose, Kane and Bellamy included." He says as two warriors come up behind us. I feel the sword tip against my back.

"Come with me and let's talk." Roan looks at his men and then nods. He gets off the horse.

"My king, it's most likely a trap." Echo says.

"It is a trap and we're already in it." Roan walks off. I watch him follow Clarke through the stones. The green lights from our guns move off him.

We wait for Roan and Clarke to come back. After a while I see Monty approach us. The warriors hold their bows up at him.

"Stop." Echo says. "What do you want?"

"One of our people has moved out of formation. I believe that they intend to murder the King." I look at him and then at Echo.

"Who is it?" Kane ask's.


"Riley? Why did you let him come?" I glare at him.

"That seems to be the understanding." Monty says. Echo starts to move but I yell out at her.

"If you go you'll be killed. Our people will shoot you if you move out of formation. If you let me take you, I can get Riley back. I can help stop this. My people will see us go together and they won't shoot." Echo looks at me and then nods.

"Alright. Take the chains off of him and put it on him." She points at Monty. 

They take my chains off and put them on Monty. I walk beside Echo into the forest towards where Clarke and Roan is. We walk through the forest and then I see him. Riley is standing in front of a cave. I see Roan's back at the entrance. Echo takes out her bow and holds it up, ready to shoot. I put my hand out.

"Wait."I say to her, Riley turns and looks at us. "Riley, look at me." He looks into my eyes. "You don't want to do this. If you do you'll regret it. Trust me when I tell you, if this turns into a massacre, it will never get out of your head. War made me a murderer. Don't let it happen to you." He stares into my eyes and then lowers his gun. I grab him and hold him. Clarke and Roan come out of the cave. Clarke runs up to us putting a hand on Riley's back.

"What happening?" She ask's.

"Nothing." I say smiling into her face. She nods and then Riley moves off. Clarke grabs me and pulls me into her. I rap my arms around her, holding her tight.

"I thought I lost you." She whispers.

"Never." I say smiling into her hair. We pull back and I look at Roan.

"So what did you decide?"

"We're going to share the ark. That way both our people are saved." I stare at her and then nod. I grab her hand and we make our way back to the others. We travel on with the Ice nation warriors to Arkadia. We get home to find it in golfed in flames. I run in Clarke right behind me.

"What happened?" She yells.

"Is everyone out?" Kane ask's.

"We believe so." A guard answers. I look over to see Octavia, Niylah and a boy run out of the flames. Someone grabs Niylah and I grab Octavia. I fall with her and she reaches out for Clarke who takes her hand. I hold onto Octavia as we watch the ark fall. Roan comes up beside Clarke.

"I guess we won't be sharing the ark after all. Were all dead now." He says and I look up at her. She puts a hand to her stomach. I look at her hand and then up at her face. Tears fall down her cheek. I look back at the flames and realize their is no hope now. The only thing we can count on is to hope Raven and Abby make nightblood to save us all.

 The only thing we can count on is to hope Raven and Abby make nightblood to save us all

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