Biological Warfare

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Bellamy POV

Clarke walks into the drop ship, following Murphy. I watch her before turning to the wall, making sure we have more people on the wall. We keep watch, taking shifts. Looking for grounders. A little while later I see Clarke walking over to Raven's tent. I hear behind me someone coughing. I turn to see Conner coughing up blood. Clarke comes out, blood running out of her eyes. I walk up to her, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She looks at me and then walks into the drop ship. I follow her. She leans down and looks at Murphy.

"How did you escape?" She ask's.

"They left my cell open. So I ran."

"Biological warfare." She says.

"What?" I ask. She looks up at me.

"This is how they plan to take us out. There going to get us all sick and then attack." Clarke starts to cough. I try to go to her but she holds out her hand.

"No. Stay back. You'll get sick."

"I don't care." I pick her up and lay her on the floor on a mattress, covering her with a blanket. She falls asleep soon. I soon get people who we think where infected into the drop ship and others who aren't on the wall. After a few hours I see Clarke come out.

"You shouldn't be up." I say to her.

"I'm fine." She says, swaying a little. I give her look and she smiles looking away before meeting my eyes again.

"Do you need anything?" I ask her.

"Some medicine would be nice." She says, smiling at me.

"I'll see what I can do." I joke making her smile grow.

I smile back when I hear shouting behind me. A boy is throwing up blood. Everyone freaks out, pointing guns at him. I call out, urging him into the drop ship. Some others quickly get him into the drop ship but soon another sneezes blood on a few others and chaos starts. Everyone is pointing guns at each other. I yell at them to stop but hear a gun firing off. I turn to see Clarke standing at the top of the drop ship holding a gun.

"This is what they want." She slowly moves down. "They want us kill each other." She starts to sway. I run towards her, moving my gun to my back. I catch her as she is about to fall to the ground. "I'm alright." She says looking up at me.

"No, you're not." I say. I kiss her head, walking into the drop ship. Octavia is helping others when I walk in.

"Clarke." She rushes over.

"Here put her here." Murphy says. I place her on the hammock and wipe her head.

"You should leave, you'll get sick." She says to me.

"I'm alright." I smile at her as she falls asleep. I look at Octavia, squeezing her arm. I walk back out into the camp. Finn comes up to me.

"How's Clarke?" Finn asks.

"She'll be fine, I hope." I say, not totally convinced. "She needs rest. Do you need something?"

"No, just wanted to ask about Clarke." He says, walking away. I walk over to Raven's tent.

"Raven." She looks up. "Have you finished the bomb for the bridge?"

"Almost done. This will certainly help us. If they're on their way, this will slow them down. We just need a shooter?"

"I'll do it." I say. Raven nods and then looks at me.

"Bellamy your nose." I wipe my hand and see blood on it.

"I'm fine."

"No your not. You should get to the drop ship. I'll find someone to shoot. You go rest." I look at her, worried that it won't get done before nodding. I walk towards the ship, stumbling in. I fall onto the floor, coughing up blood. Octavia comes over to me.

 Octavia comes over to me

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"Bell. No." I start to cough as she makes me lie on my side, Murphy helping her. I throw up more blood.

"Octavia." I choke out, looking up her with blood tear eyes.

"Hey, big bro." She smiles down at me, smoothing my hair back.

"I'm scared." I cry out.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." She reassure's me.

"I said that the day you were born."

"I know. You've told me it a thousand times." I try to laugh but end up coughing more.

Clarke looks up and see's me on the ground. She tries to get down but stumbles. Murphy catches her, trying to stop her but she pushes past, falling to the ground beside me.

"Oh, Bellamy." She looks down at me.

"I'm alright." I say as I cough up more blood.

Clarke is feeling a bit better but still weak so she sits on the mat putting my head in her lap. She stroke's my hair. Octavia goes to help others as Clarke sits holding me. She is starting to get stronger. She helps me turn to cough up blood.

After a while we hear a bang. We quickly get up and race out of the drop ship. Clarke holds onto me as we look at the smoke rising from the area of the bridge.

"They did it." I say, looking down at her.

"I am become death, destroyer of worlds'." Clarke says before looking up at me. "It's Oppenheimer, the man who built the first . . ."

"I know who Oppenheimer is." I interrupt her. 

Smiling down at her. I put my arm around her before we walk back into the drop ship. We are about to walk into the drop ship when Finn runs over to us carrying Raven.

Clarke follows him as he takes her into the ship. She checks her over, seeing that she will be alright before helping others. I smile looking at her work before walking out. I walk over to a some water splashing it over my face, wiping the blood off. I set to work preparing for a battle.

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