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Bellamy grabs me as bolt awake. I look at him, sweat on my forehead. 

"You're alright." I nod looking around. A guard stands at the door. "Pike hasn't changed his mind." He follows my gaze. 

"How long was I out?" I look back at him. 

"A few hours."

"I have to go." I try to get up. He pushes me down. 

"You need to rest. You bruised a few ribs." He says. I stare up at him wanting to protest when mom walks over. 

"I am so glad you're awake." She smiles down at me. 

I smile back but it doesn't reach my eyes. She checks me over while Bellamy leaves to make sure his sister is alright. She was thrown in the cell. 

"I am glad you came home." She says, checking my vitals. 

"I wish it was under different circumstances." She nods placing her hand on my shoulder. She squeezes before walking to another patient. I look up taking a deep breath. 

I think about the dream. That little girl, who is she? I wonder. Is she Bellamy and my future daughter. We never even thought about kids. Back on the ark we would have only been able to have one. When I cam of age I was given a birth control implant. It can be removed easily but there is no way I can get pregnant. Not with that thing in me. 

Mom comes back over telling me I'll be fine.

"Mom can I ask you something?" She nods sitting down in the chair. "That birth control implant, do I still have?" She frowns. That's when I see that I no longer have it or that it no longer works. 

"The implants where controlled by the computers on the ark. When the ark separated the systems went offline. The implants no longer work. I've checked the others who have it." I stare at her, processing the information. Bellamy and I could have kids if we wanted. 

"I thought so, just wanted to check." I smile at her. She nods getting up, returning to work. 

An hour goes by. Bellamy comes back with two more guards. I struggle sitting up. He frowns as they handcuff me. The guards take my arms dragging me out of the infirmary. I glance at Bellamy seeing that he doesn't agree with this. 

They drag me down the hallway towards the cells. This time I don't struggle. I've learned my lesson. Another guard opens the door as they take me inside. They uncut me before walking out. I turn seeing Octavia sitting with Lincoln. 

"How are you?" She stands up walking towards me. 

"Bruised my ribs, sore but I'll live." I look around the cell. Many grounders. "Why are they all here?" I look back at them. 

"Pike says it's for our protection." Lincoln says. "I believe it's to make sure we don't start anything." 

"What do we do now?" Octavia asks. "It's almost dawn."

"I know. I glanced outside when I left the infirmary. We only have a few hours before Lexa attacks."

"We need to get you two out." Lincoln looks at us both. 

"How?" I look around the cell. "We can't exactly get out."

"Bellamy." Octavia says hopefully.

"I thought he was with Pike?" I ask. 

"He is but now that you are here he'll fight for you. He knows Pike will never do anything to me but to you." She looks away. "He could kill you." She looks back at me. "Pike could execute you for being on Lexa's side. Sealing your fate."

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